Chapter 3

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After the barbecue, Dinah had a lot to say about Camila, but didn't say anything about Lauren. Even at lunch the next day, Ally raved about the barbecue and Camila's friends, but didn't mention Lauren. It was like she was invisible to everyone. It kind of made me upset.

On Monday after work, I drove straight home to put on some booty shorts and a low-cut crop top to show off plenty of cleavage. Then, I drove to Lauren's house and arrived a little before 6 pm.

A few seconds after I knocked, Lauren opened the door and was a little shocked by my attire. "Whoa! You're certainly dressed for summer."

"I like to be comfortable. The less clothing, the better," I said.

She let me in and told me to make myself comfortable. "I grabbed some pizzas and a DVD from Redbox on the way home. I got Interstellar. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. I've been meaning to see that movie. I heard it's good."

"I haven't seen it before either," said Lauren. "It's directed by Christopher Nolan, and I love his past work."

"Isn't he the one who directed Inception and The Dark Knight?" I asked.

"Yeah. He directed those and Memento. If you haven't seen Memento, I suggest you do. It's amazing. The guy is a fucking genius."

"I haven't seen it," I replied.

"I'm gonna rent that next time and The Prestige. It's another Christopher Nolan masterpiece." I could tell that Lauren was really passionate about movies.

Interstellar was good, but it was almost three hours long. We didn't have much time to talk before Camila would get home. Lauren said she usually gets home between 10:15 and 10:30.

After the movie was over, Lauren went back into the gloomy mood I witnessed at the barbecue. "Why do you always look so sad?"

"Relationship problems," she responded.

"What's wrong if you don't mind me asking?"

"Camila and I don't get to spend much time together because of our work schedules. I feel like we're growing apart. The weekends are the only times we can spend together, and sometimes she just takes off to hang with her friends leaving me here by myself. We only have sex a couple of times a month. I don't know what to do to fix things. It's like she's not interested in doing what it takes to make things work," answered Lauren.

I tried to cheer her up. "Well, you don't have to be lonely anymore. I'm just a phone call away."

Lauren smiled, "Yeah. You're cool people. I'm glad we met despite the circumstances."

"You're cool people too," I reciprocated.

There was this awkward silence between us as we stared at each; then, we heard someone turn the lock. Camila soon appeared in the house with a briefcase I assumed she used to carry her class materials. "Hey! I see you've really made a new friend."

"She's been trying to get me to socialize more," Lauren explained to me.

"Oh, and you have pizza," observed Camila.

"Oh, shit!" exclaimed Lauren. "I didn't order enough for leftovers."

Camila pouted, "You didn't save any for me? You know pizza's my favorite."

"I'm sorry, baby," apologized Lauren.

Camila just shrugged her shoulders. "That's okay. I'll pop a TV dinner in the microwave."

I stood up from the couch to prepare to leave. "I should be going. I had fun. Thanks for dinner and the movie."

"No problem," Lauren commented. "Thanks for coming over."

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