Chapter 4

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I got to spend the evening cuddled up with Lauren while watching TV. Just the thought of Camila losing brake functioning and crashing in to something made me so happy. I wish I could be there with Lauren when she got the phone call from police that Camila had died, but I had to go home before Camila was expected like I had been doing the two prior nights.

When I got home, I showered and changed into night clothes. I sat on my bed with my cell phone near me anxiously awaiting Lauren's call informing me that Camila had died. When my ringtone went off and I saw Lauren's name on the caller ID, I wanted to jump for joy; but, I remained calm as to not make Lauren suspicious of anything.

"Hi, Lauren. I wasn't expecting your call at this hour." It was 11:30 pm.

"I know it's late. I'm sorry, but Camila hasn't come home yet. I'm getting worried," explained Lauren.

"Have you tried calling her?"

I could hear her sigh over the phone. "I've called and texted her about a half a dozen times with no answer. She's never done anything like this."

"Maybe her phone died, and she got slowed down by construction. Let's not think the worst, okay?"

"Okay. I'm going to let you go to sleep," Lauren said.

"Give me a call when you hear something. Don't be afraid to wake me up," I told her.

"I will. Bye."


Well, I didn't go to sleep. I was too excited to sleep. I couldn't wait to hear the good news. Only 20 minutes later, Lauren called me again.

"What's up? Did you hear something?"

"Yeah," said Lauren. "She came home not too long ago. She said her brakes stopped working causing her to crash into a fire hydrant. She's suffering from a little whiplash and has a minor concussion, but no serious injuries. Thank God. Her car is totaled, though."

"Oh, my God. I'm glad she wasn't seriously hurt. Did she say why she didn't call you or respond to your texts?" I inquired.

Lauren let out a deep breath as if she was annoyed by something. "She said she didn't call or text back because she didn't want to 'interrupt our evening.' If I weren't so relieved that she made it home alive, that would have led to another argument; but, it's done. I can finally go to sleep. I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow at work."

"Before I let you go, did she say how she lost brake power?

"An investigator made it on to the scene and found that Camila's brake line was severed. Someone must have cut it," Lauren clarified.

"Who would want to do that?" I asked.

"I don't know. I think it might be this student she failed in the spring. It delayed his graduation for a semester. He was so belligerent with her at her office, campus police officers had to remove him," Lauren recounted.

"Wow! I hope they find him or whoever did it. I'll let you get some rest now."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow."

After we hung up, I threw my phone across the room and punched a hole in the wall. I was fucking furious. That skeletal bitch didn't die? She didn't go into a coma or lose a limb? I couldn't risk making another attempt on her life any time soon. Someone would eventually catch on. This fucking blows.

On Thursday after work, I went to the gas station by Miami Dade College to meet the homeless guy like I had promised. However, I didn't feel comfortable exchanging money with him there in daylight with so many people around. I asked him if we could meet at midnight on the overpass of the highway because no one would be walking around there and hardly any cars would be passing by. The gas station is likely to have security cameras recording the parking lot. He was a little hesitant, but I offered him another $50 to sweeten the deal, and he agreed to meet me later.

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