Headcannons! 😍

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Sweet-Cigarettes After Sex
I need a brake from writing traumatizing chapters and you need a break from reading them so enjoy these cute pics of yn and chapa + head cannons!
Some head cannons came from cupidologyy on tiktok aka best bapa editor😉

Yn is so protective of Chapa she would literally jump in front of her if anything bad was coming towards her in a mission

At super hero meet and greets chapa makes sure yn sits at the end and she sits next to her so nobody else gets to her.

Likes baking together

Yn is the only one Chapa will wear shorts around because she's insecure of the cuts and bruises

"Is that my shirt!?" "No" *side eye*

Mika has told yn on solo missions "Chapa will kill me if anything bad happens to you"

In regular school, whenever they needed partners they would always choose each other.

Yn loves to play with chapas hands

When Hotshot and Volt are in public chapa sometimes catch's fanboys lookin at yn so she would move closer and put her arm around her

If ever in trouble on a mission they would yell each others real names for help (at that point they don't really care about there names being revealed)

They always give the same energy

Chapa loves Yns tattoo and they want matching ones.

They give each other piercings when bored.

Chapa likes to read and yn likes to write but there too embarrassed by there hobby's since its spontaneous to there personality

Chapa likes to read and yn likes to write but there too embarrassed by there hobby's since its spontaneous to there personality

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^hiphop peree with chapas basketball friends from school after they won +Bose tagging along.

^hiphop peree with chapas basketball friends from school after they won +Bose tagging along

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^everyone celebrating after worlds collide. Buddy fudgers!? That you

^yn chapa and Bose at a haunted house during Halloween

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^yn chapa and Bose at a haunted house during Halloween. Bose was screaming the entire time and hid behind yn. They had to go home early after Bose thought he peed his pants.

^yn and chapa on a date at nacho ball (the nice one)😉some stranger took this picture and airdropped it to them😿

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^yn and chapa on a date at nacho ball (the nice one)😉some stranger took this picture and airdropped it to them😿

I wrote this chapter like two months ago. The one I wrote last night took me five hours and is hella sus. 😶

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