Chp 17

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Little Bit(ft Lykke li)-Drake
Chapas pov
I walk over to Boses. I really need someone to talk to. I knock on the door. I hear rustling from inside the house. I lean around trying to peak inside. The door opens. It's Mika. Great.
Mika- Hey Chapa.... What are you doing here
She laughs. Her hair is all out of place. Shirtless Bose walks up behind her out of breath.
Bose- sup chaps
Chapa- you know, I'm gonna go.
I turn around before they can see a tear burn my eyes. I love yn and I want to be with her all the time. I want to do everything and anything with her. But I ruined it. I pushed her away. This is my fault.
I head to Yns. The lights are off. The front door is still unlocked from when I walked out. I enter locking the door behind me. I walk upstairs. I hear yn bedroom fan on. The lights are off. I quietly open the door locking it. I climb in bed next to yn. I wrap my arm around her. But she's not there. My arm sinks into the mattress. I sit up flicking the switch on. I call out for yn. I check the bathroom. Her moms room the kitchen she's no where. I chased her away. I sit in the edge of the bed clutching her stuffed koala in my lap
ring ring ring
"This is yn sorry I could take your call rn leave a message!"
Chapa- fuck.
Where could she have gone. Clearly she's not with Bose or Mika. At least I hope not. I call her again. And again. I leave her three messages apologizing begging her to come home. Praying she's not bleeding out by her wrist in a ditch.

Yn pov
I walk to the alley around fourth avenue. I've never met mouse before. I mean I've heard some pretty scary stuff about him. I'm just going to get the money and leave. I round the corner to the alley and see a bald man with face tattoos wearing a familiar leather jacket. I approach him broadly. He doesn't look up at me until Im in front of him. Holy fuck.
Mouse-yn??? Princess how good of a blow job did fez have to give you to come here? He steps closer to me. I take a step back holding back tears
I whisper in attempt to hide the cracking I my voice.
David brushes my hair behind my ear- don't be scared.
Yn- here.
I hold out the bag. I want to scream. Kick him in the balls. I stay calm and collected. I need the pills Fez gave me more than that. He takes the bag putting it in a pocket inside his jacket. He grabs out three stacks of cash from his back pocket. I want to run. He pulls my shirt forward shoving the stacks of cash inside my bra. He steps closer. To close. My back is pressed against the wall behind me. I don't make eye contact. I need to obey its the only way I'll get out of this. He kissed along my jaw. My body tenses. He presses his bulge against me soaking through his pants onto mine.
Yn quietly-stop
David-what was that sugar?
He squeezes my left boob while his dick is out. He reaches his hand under my shirt and rubs my nipple. I moan making David smirk. He squeezes my boob jerking off. I don't know why I moaned. Am I cheating on chapa!? Nonononono!?
Yn- stop. Stop stop! Stop STOP
I scream in the top of my lungs hyperventilating. A shadow appears sprinting towards us. David's hand slips out from under my shirt when he's knocked onto the floor. I can't make out who punch David. Their hair is long and curly. They're wearing a beanie and baggy pants. I watch this boy beat up this man. My fist is tight on my chest. My mind races with everything that happen so fast. Davids turns and lays a punch on the kid the kid kicks David cussing him out. David runs away like a little boy.
The mystery boy stands painting watching David run out from the alley and down the block.
Yn-thank you.
The mystery boy turns around. I squint trying to get a better look at this boy. Holy shit. As if today couldn't get any better.
Fuckshit-yn...I-I thought I heard your voice so I came running.
I launch myself towards fs and hug him.
Yn in tears-thank you thank you
Fuckshit-it's no prob ma. Are you okay
Yn-no but I will be
Fs- can I give you a ride home or anything?
Yn-I got in a fight with my girlfriend I'm not ready to go back yet.
Fs- but you-
Yn- ye
Fs- but we
Yn- ya
Fs-u-uh I would invite you to spend the night at my place but I'm in an argument with my parents. Rays been letting me crash at the skate shop if you wanna stay with me tonight.
Yn- yea... that sound nice.
Hand in hand we walk out of the alley.
Fs- I'm sorry that happen
Yn- thank you for being there
Fs- no problem. You'd do it for me
Yn- what were you doing out anyway.
Fs- smoking a joint, contemplating life
Yn-ooo classy.
Fs-I know
We arrive at the shop. Fuckshit unlocks the door holding it open for me to walk in. He looks down both ends of the street before re locking the door. I turn on a small light illuminating the counter near the cash register.
Yn-this place looks the same
Fuckshit throws the keys on the counter and leans against the counter across from me in silence.
Yn-I'm sorry
Fs- it's not your fault that guy was a creep
Yn- no- *i take a deep breath* I'm sorry about what happen
Fs sighs- it was almost two years ago.
Yn- I know but I just always felt horrible for ghosting you.
Fs- it's fine you were just using me to make sure the only thing you wanted to fuck was girls.
Yn- not it's not like that. I did like you
Fs- you never loved me... did you.
Fs- it hurt for a long time yn. I love you
His voice raises
Yn- that was never my intention
Fs-that's not the point. The point is you could've careless. You hurt me really bad you were my first everything. Then one day you just.. disappear!? And just as I think I'm finally over you. There you are.
Yn eyes water angrily-I never meant to hurt you
Fs takes a deep breath closing the gap between us.- I know ma.
His eyes lulled me in all I've ever wanted was to feel loved. I kiss fuckshit for a long minute. When I pull away I attempt to read his wrinkled expression. His eyebrows furrowed. My eyes glaze into his desperately       He lifts me up onto the counter standing between my legs. Smashing his lips into mine. He moans through every kiss tingling my lips. He's been craving me since I left. Never felt so must lust in one motion. My hands slide up his neck massaging his scalp. One light from above illuminates our actions. His hand cups my boob squeezing in sync with each kiss. I pull away digging the money out from my bra and throwing it next to me. Before questions can be asked i moan in his ear gliding my tongue around the rim of his ear biting down on his ear lobe, pulling away. Fs grunts. My lips massage the side of his neck sucking long and hard before moving lower onto his collar bone. His olive skin smooths under my tongue. I take his beanie off running my hand through his hair staring into his porcelain eyes. His bitter lips latch to my neck sucking and biting in rhythms. The  three hickeys trace down my neck. We're both a painting mess of hot horny teens. He tugs on the collar of my shirt. I take off my shirt tosses in onto the floor. Fuckshit does the same. A tattoo wraps around the side of his skin. He has a toned six pack. More defined. I'm wearing a dark blue lacey bra two times to small making my boobs bulge from the top. Also Ironically his favorite color.
Fs under his breath-fuck
I chuckle trying to make it as least awkward as possible. I lean in close to his ear. My warm breath spills down his neck giving himself chills. My tongue gently caresses his ear.
Yn-can I make it up to you..
Fs deepens our kiss tugging on the belt loops of my pants. The bracelets that cover my sh scarred wrist clank as I graze my finger up and down tracing his abs
I want him. Maybe I've always wanted him. I need him. My inner thighs throb. I'm never had sex with a guy before. Only ever imagined it. With toys and a steaming shower. But he doesn't have to know that. I un button and unzip his pants. My lips never leave his. He helps me wiggle his pants down kicking them to the side. Holy shit this is happening I look down at the bulge poking through this boxers. I un button my jeans. He lifts me up slightly to pull my pants all the way off my underwear is lace matching my bra. The odds of today I decide to wear my hot lace undergarments goes insane. I lean back unclipping my bra. I let it hang loose but never fully slide it down my arms. Fuckshit goes at my pace. That's what I always loved about him. I lean forward tugging on his boxes. His eyes widen.
Fs- yn we don't have to. I forgive you
Yn- I want to if it's ok with you.
I glaze up to him seductively
Fs- yn yln you know you're all I've ever wanted.
Before I can pull his boxers down he walks over to a drawer I whine as my pussy throbs. He opens drawer a digs through clusters of junk. Fs opens another drawer.
Fs- come on ray. He's gotta have one in here
I swing my legs back n forth painfully waiting.
Fs- ah!
Fuckshit pulls out a condom. He opens the pack with his teeth which it hot as fuck. My head rolls back. I hear him chuckle. He turns away from me dropping his boxers on to the floor into the pile of our jumbled clothing. His plump ass stars at me. That's it I slip of my bra and underwear n tie my hair back. When he turns around latex suffocates his dick which not to mention has grown like two inches. His mouth physically hangs open.  I bite my lip. I never thought of myself to be very pretty. Clearly fs amazed. He's back standing between my legs. He sucks my nipple circling his tongue around the bud hardening my nipples I moan. I reach down and massage my clit it's been forever since I felt such pleasure. Fs holds my hand still when he's noticed I've been touching.
Fs whispers- that's my job ma be patient or you're gonna have to wait longer.
Yn painting- me! I don't think you can wait.
Fs- try me
Yn moans so quickly - fuck me daddy
precum covers fs tip. He picks me up slaming me against the wall next to us. He enters me slowly. I press my self down on him. Ripping my walls to for him Inside. At first it hurt. I started to cry. I wiped the tears before he could see. The more he pumped into me the more numb I became the more tears spilled. Having to wipe them away faster and faster with each thrust. We are a sweating, moaning mess. Fuckshit becomes sloopy. I drop one leg down half way holding myself up.
Yn- fa-faster
By demand he quickens the sound of skin slapping Against each other  echos throughout the store. When he's balls deep I scream in more pain than pleasure.
Yn- im gonna
Fs- hold it
Yn- I- I cant
Fs- you better. Ray will be pissed if there's cum all over the floor
He takes it out and slams it back in. I reach my climax and cum. My liquids drip down my legs on the the floor. Fuckshit moans and cums shortly after me. We stand in a puddle of our liquid.
Fs presses against me- now your going to have to be punished.
Yn painting-fucker. You came too.
Round two. Already. I'm ready. I've never wanted someone so bad. My pussy drips without him. He take me back to the counter and leans me over it. My face smushes against the counter. Fs begins taking me from behind. Doggy style. Drool spills from my mouth. My eyes roll back I push my hips into his as his does to mine.
Yn- y-you slow as fuck
I regret my choice of words fs competitive. He leans forward gripping onto the edges of the counter. His balls smush against my butt.  Fs uses the counter to help him pump faster into me. I a moaning mess fs a moaning mess. We needed this. Closure? Or is this a new opening. I don't think. I stand up causing fs wet dick to slide out. I pull fs and push him on to the couch. I kneel between his legs removing the condom with my teeth and throwing it across the room. I take one of his balls into my mouth sucking on it like a a sucker. His back arch's and he grabs the arm of the couch. I lick the tip of his dick and tease him. Showing him I'm in control
Fs groans- ynnn
I pump his dick in my mouth violently. He pulls on my hair signaling he's about to cum. Not wanting to swallow all that I get up and lower myself onto him to which he cums imminently I ride him so hard and fast i and jumping up and down onto him using his dick as a trampoline rubbing my breast in his face. His eyes widen. I don't notice. His hands on my hips drag me down deeper. He pulls me off. My face drops
Fs panting I sit next to him out of breath
Yn- are you okay. I'm sorry I got carried away
Fs- Nono nothing wrong I did to I just wasn't wearing a condum and was about to...
He looks down
He pulled me off him so he didn't release his load into me. His load covers his legs and the edge of the couch.
We cover up with a blanket we found and fall asleep in each others arms on a bean bag.
Okay pull out game.
Holy shite. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd write smut like that. None of them in wattpad were giving so I wrote my own. Can't tell if I regret it. This took me three hours. I apologize for any spelling errors.
And remember consent it's cool 😎
Make sure you eat and drink loves 😘

Chapa x ynWhere stories live. Discover now