Chp 9

458 5 0

Daylight-David Kushner
It's been 4 weeks since the "incident". Your mom hasn't been home since that night. She wasn't home for nearly four months after she found out about you and Bella.

You guys are fighting the toddler on the top of mount Swellview.

AWOL-shoutout, watch out!

Shout-out ducks, dodging one of toddlers goons kicks. Hotshot grabs the goons leg twisting it around, collapsing the goon. Captain man is chasing after the toddler. Volt is fighting off another goon. She gets stuck in a headlock. Hotshot blasts the goon in the face melting off his nose. The man lets volt go.

Volt out of breath- thanks


Brainstorm-a lil help here

The last goon is sitting on brainstorms back, pinning him to the ground. Shout-out walks up and super screams the goon off brainstorms back. AWOL kicked the goon in the stomach. The goon lost his balance and tumbled off the top of mount Swellview.

Shoutout- nice job gang

Hotshot- where's cap!? And the toddler!?

Captain man comes running towards us and hides behind volt.

Volt- what are you hiding for.

Cap- the toddler! He had his spitty thingy

Volt- stop being a pussy get off of me.

Cap clears his throat- oh yea

Shoutout- we can't just let the toddler run free!?

Brainstorm- he's not

Shoutout- what do you mean!?

Brainstorm- he's right here.

Brainstorm levitates the toddler over to where everyone's standing.

AWOL- nice catch man! I'll take him to Swellview jail.

Time skip. You're home now. It's the middle of the night.

Yn pov
My eyes burst open. My stomach gurgles. My throat becomes warm.
I jump out of bed and fidget with the lock on the door before getting it open. I burst into the bathroom hurling in the toilet. I've never vomit so much in my life. Something's been off.

Chapa- shit yn you okay
Chapa appears in the door way. Her eyes are puffy and her voice is groggy.

Yn- I don't know

Chapa leans down next to me and flushes the toilet. She rubs my back in hope to soothe me.


I puke up my guts and the school lunch. Chapa holds my hair back.

Chapa- it's okay it's okay.

I wipe my mouth and try standing up. But chapa pulls me back down.

Chapa- no no stay here I'm going to get you some water.

When chapa comes back with the water my head is pounding. She gives me three advil.

Chapa- did you eat anything bad?

Yn- no. And I felt okay yesterday

Chapa-well we could-

Yn- I just want to go back to bed. I just want to go to sleep

Chapa helped me to my feet and covered me in bed. She placed a trash can by my head and slipped in bed. Silent tears roll down my cheeks. I'm fucked.

My clock for school goes off. I blast it melting the plastic.

Chapa x ynWhere stories live. Discover now