Chp 11

365 4 0

Crimewave- Crystal Castles
The emergency alarm goes off🚨

Schwotz comes running in- aieeee dr Minyak is trying to stop Swellviews 5th annual festival!

Bose gasps🙊


Ray- who cares about some festival

Mika on the computer- the news says a group of moms were setting up th-


chapa sighs-here we go


everyone changes and miles teleports them to where the festival is being held.

Hotshot- where's Minyak!?

Everyone looks around frantically.

Shoutout- better question. Where's Brainstorm!?

Volt-shit you lost him already- wait where's hotshot!?

Shoutout in a baby voice- awe you lost her already.

Volt zaps shoutout.

AWOL- while you to have a cat fight I'm going to go help hot shot and brainstorm.

Yn and Bose are attacking Minyak. When they first teleported to the festival Minyak snuck up from behind and drug brainstorm away. Hotshot quickly noticed and ran to help brainstorm. Hotshot kicked Minyaks feet from underneath him. Minyak went crashing to the ground freeing Brainstorm. Minyaks assistant quietly approached hotshot with a wood plank in her grasp.

Volt-hotshot watch ou-

Without looking back hotshot lifts her hand behind her back and burns the piece of wood to ash just as nurse cohort was about to bash it on Yns head. Hotshot slowly turns around.

Nurse cohort-oh... uh, hi I- I wasn't actually going to hit you I just-

Shoutout kicks Nurse Cohort in the side. Minyak grabbed hotshots arm. Hotshot twisted around flipping minyak over here back on to the ground.
Shout-out is comforting brainstorm after he was almost kidnapped by dr Minyak. Volt helped awol take down nurse cohort. AWOL teleported cohort to jail. Volt ran to help hotshot only to see her repeatedly punching him in the face. Blood spews from minyaks nose. Or Yns knuckles. Probably both.

Hotshot angry-want to say that again! Huh
Volt stands by watching.

Minyak almost knock out- all I- said, was you look like you've gain a few pounds. You know... you look pregnant.

Hotshot screams repeatedly punching minyak. Volt zaps him long and hard. Minyaks body levitates before collapsing. Yn falls to minyaks side still punching him but now she's sobbing. Mika and Bose have looked up terrified at the situation. So-so,so much blood. Volt stands over top of minyaks body panting. Her fist clench, sparks zap nearby objects. Mika runs over dragging Bose. Together they just barely mange to pull yn off of him. Yn blasts him with her fire. Bose holds Yns arms close pinning her to his chest. Miles is back.

Mile- fuck. What happen. I was gone for two seconds

He looks at yn shaking. And chapas shaken up.
How did he know.

Mika panicked- miles- just teleport minyak to Swellview hospital then jail. Hurry he's loosing a lot of blood. Yn squirms from Boses tight grasp but Bose is surprisingly strong.

Yn gritting her teeth- let me go!

Bose is strong but Yns always stronger. She breaks free from Bose and falls to where Minyak is laying. Would be laying. If Miles hasn't teleported to Swellview hospital.
Chapa is frozen. Yn wipes the snot from her nose and heads towards her house, hitting chapas shoulder with hers knocking her out of her trance. Chapa and yn leave.

Mika- what just happened!?
Mika asks Bose and her brother.

Miles- I've never seen yn so mad before. I mean her eyes were practically glowing purple.

Cap walks in with a hotdog shoved in his mouth- hey guys you get Minyak.

Mika- yeah got him into a hospital bed

Cap- sick

Miles- man (he puts his hand on caps shoulder) yn almost killed that man

Cap- well he messed with the wrong person.

Mika- that's all you have to say

Ray ignoring her question- anyray where is sparky and that champ.

Bose- I don't know I was almost kidnapped.

Mika- left a bit ago.

Ray- oh. Well anyone want a hotdog.
Ray pulls out an arm full of hotdogs.

Mika-REALLY!? that's where you were while We were handling the bad guy!?

Ray- pffft no. I was talking to the moms that were working the hotdog stand. They told me if I kept standing there I'd have to buy a hotdog. But I think they just wanted to see how much money ol papa had.

When ray looks back in the kids direction out from the clouds they're gone.

eeeeekk! My fav chapter is coming up!!!! Please vote 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾

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