Chp 15

332 5 1

TOPIA TWINS-Travis Scott
In the car
*you and chapa are in the backseat*
Yn is asleep on chapas shoulder

Fez looking through the rear mirror- ay

Chapa- sup?

Fez- I hope you only got good intentions with yn

Ash protectively- she's been through a lot of shit if you hurt her I'll fuck you up.
Ash stares into Chapas high soul

Fez- lil harsh man. But he's right.

Chapa-I'll go through hell to protect her if that means she gets a rest.

The rest of the ride to Fez's in silent, but after chapas statement Ash and Fez gave each other a nod.

Yns pov

I wasn't asleep. I've never felt so loved until I met these guys.

When we arrive I pretend to wake up. I bust out a fake yawn n shit.

Fez- good ma you're up ion wanna carry yo ass inside

I flip Fez off and walk into their home. My home. Just as I remember it. Chapa walks in standing behind me.

Ash slides around us- ay yn I think i still have some of your clothes you left here.

Ash goes into his room digging through his dresser drawers.

Chapa mad- why does he have your clothes!?

Yn- chaps it's not like that. My mom got to-to upset? I had to crash here for a couple months.

Chapa- I'm sorry...

Yn- it's fine I've been running away to here since I was 7.

Ash-here are some clothes for guys to change into.

Me and chapa cram into the tiny bathroom and change. I am wearing my shorts with Ash's oversized shirt. Chapas wearing my pj pants and her sports bra. We look drugged and dead. How is she still so fucking hot. I kiss chapa, long, passionate I want her to feel my lips on her body all night. She grabs my back pulling me into her, deepening the kiss. I could kiss her for hours. Until my lips turn black n blue. I will kiss her for hours but not right now cause there's a knock on the door.

Fez- y'all ight?

I open the door.
Yn yawns-yea

Fez-I can sleep on the couch tonight-


Yn- it's okay Fez you've already done enough for us. Thank you

Fez-no ma I cant-

But chapas already laying on the couch almost passed out. I am quick to join her. I curl up in her arms.

Fez pov

It's been an hour. I walk out to the living room to offer up my room again cause I feel hella guilty but they're asleep. They're cute together. I grab a blanket and throw it over them. I hope ash finds love like yn did. As I head back to my room I hear a phone buzzing loudly. Repetitively. I walk back over and see Yns phone with 38 new notifications. I silent her phone so it doesn't wake them up. I make my way to Ash's room. He's sitting at his desk playing video games.

Fez whispers- hey bed kid

Ash- you're not my dad
Ash gives fez a dirty look and returns to his game.

Fez- I make sure you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your stomach. I'm as close to a goddamn father you're gonna get.

Ash embarrassed-k

Fez- night Ash love you

Ash- night.

Third pov

Ash is standing at the end of the couch starting at yn and chapa. Ash raises his phone taking a picture

Fez- Ash quit fan-girl'n and come help me bag some oxy

Ask sets his phone on the counter, hopping up on a stool

Ash mad- I wasn't

Fez- yes you were. Every time you see yn you have a look in your eye. Like-like if she was a piece of lint stuck to your jacket you'd never brush her off.

Ash shy- i don't know we're just close n I wanna protect her.

Yn yawns sitting up, quickly drug back down by chapa. Eventually yn escapes chapas hold without waking her

Fez-morn yn

Ash-sup ma

Yn yawns- yea

Yn sits on the stool next to ash n leans in close to ash and fez. They turn there confused attention to yn.

Yn whispers- I really need to talk to you guys.
Yn looks back to make sure chaps still asleep
Yn- some shit happen and I need sum.

Ash swallows

Fez concerned- what's wrong ma

Ash- did your bitch do something!?

Yn almost lit ash up right there.

Yn- no! nonono

Yn- I-I need something to.... Uh

Yn looks back to make sure chapas still not up and leans in closer, cueing fez n ash to lean in.

Yn-I need some shit that will kill a fucking fetus.

Ash raises his voice- shit ma you pregnant!

Yn yelling- No! No!

Fez- shhhhh

Chapa starts waking up from the sudden change in silence.

Fez whispers- meet me here. 1230

Yn nods

Chapa- shit what happened

Yn laughs dropping her almost in tears face- we should get going.

Fez hands yn a bag containing their clothes.

Yn- come on chaps

Chapa- ight. Thanks for letting us crash

Fez- yea anytime

Ash deadass- but next time it ain't free

Yn- okok thanks see you later
yn closes the door behind her

Chapa- see you later?

Yn- I, i- did I say that. Oops.

Yn shrugs it off and they head home

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