About my Ocs

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About Chaska:

Chaska, goddess of wolves. She's not a real aztec deity, I made her up. Named after the Incan goddess of night and day.

Her powers include turning into a giant wolf (like Cipactli, but as a wolf), being able to communicate with wolves, and a heightened sense of smell. She knows much about a person by smelling them, from their personality to who they've encountered. Her weapon is a giant spear (like Xiangling from Genshin). She has a giant wolf right hand man named Estrella.

Chaska is very protective, loyal, intimidating and kind.

She always kept her distance from Mictlan, knowing his wrath.

She's always known Camazotz and loved him like a brother, and was in Zatz life as an aunt. She often begged Camazotz to go into hiding with her, but he was set on overthrowing Mictlan.

When Vucuub told her about Camazotz's death, Chaska finally confronted Mictlan once again. She and Vucuub attacked Mictlan to buy the group time, but Chaska was injured during the fight, even witnessed Vucuub's eyes being taken.

About Tezcatlipoca:

Tezcatlipoca, god of chaos

While he isn't a bad guy in mesoamerican mythology, he was still a chaotic figure, so I simplified him to the god of chaos, doing both good and bad depending on his mood. He's basically a male Harely Quin.

He has an obsidian mirror used to look into the minds of humans.

He's missing his right foot in reference to  the myth of the 5 suns (overly sarcastic productions has a video of that). He lost his foot defeating Cipactli (in the OG myth, not the show). He also has an association with jaguars, so he has an obsidian jaguar foot as a peg leg.

These two will show up later in the story.

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