Sage II

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I fell into a routine, no training or whatever no. I just simply existed. I had friends, but everything didn't seem to matter anymore. I ached for an adventure.

I was sitting in class when it happened again, I exploded. But this was different.

I was minding my own business really, taking notes and occasionally engaging in conversation with my peers.

Then the ground shook, kids screamed, this was high school after all, what could I expect. I nodded and followed procedure for an earthquake evacuation. All the school was gathered at the hill, safest place ever in case of an accident or whatever.

The ground shook again, but I thought those were just aftershocks. Note to self: stop assuming.

The ground broke apart as a creature emerged. From afar it seemed to be this sort of dragon thing, but as you got closer you could tell that it was made from metal.

Kids ran back, obviously terrified of the creature, and so did teachers because they didn't know that the fuck that thing was.

After a while it just kind of stood there, some kids, with no self preservation got close and dared to touch it. The first one to do so screamed loudly and the rest fled, leaving him yelling in pain. Teachers were too afraid to go near it and it seemed like the poor boy was going to die screaming when he stopped.

His eyes turned grey and the dragon machine roared to life. More people started running but that only made the machine angrier as it started to spit fire into every direction.

I stood paralysed in amazement when I got tackled by a girl, my head hit the grass and I moaned in pain. The girl actually had the decency to blush before getting up and yelling.

In our little accident we both failed to realise that the dragon machine shit thing's jaws were inches away from us.

Then I exploded, or rather a red thing exploded out of me and covered the girl and I. I looked over at her and held back a smile when I saw her eyes were glued shut in terror. The dragon's jaws were around us as he tried to bite but this big red bubble around us shielded us.

I poked her shoulder and suddenly I was engulfed by her small figure. With her face in the crook of my neck...awkward.

"Uhm not that I'm not enjoying this but could we go, I can kind of see up the dragon thingy's throat and it's not pretty."

She didn't seem to respond to anything I was saying so I ended up carrying her away, with the red bubble still around us.

What a sight it must have been, the six-foot giant carrying the 5'2 terrified girl, both surrounded by a red bubble, not to mention that we were being chased by the huge ass dragon robot shit thing.

A couple of kids ran over to me, and surprisingly enough they got into the bubble.

The dragon roared loudly and my eyes turned over to where the elementary was, searching for my brother.

I locked eyes with him as the dragon closed his jaws onto his upper body.

That's when I roared, my bubble disappeared, I set the girl down on the field and jumped. I collided with the robotic dragon's neck.

Now sure, I'm tall and all but I don't think even a bazooka would have made that beast topple over, so imagine my shock when it did and I was left standing on a huge me sized dent on its neck. I jumped off and pried its jaws open and there laid my crying sibling, quickly grabbing him I stepped out of the machine when I heard this sound.

Like it was calling my name, it was the fire, or rather the one that was about to begin when the metallic beast exploded. I started running with my brother in arms and felt myself trip on someone and fall on top of them, face to face, when my bubble expanded from me again, surrounding all three people with me and growing bigger as the beast exploded.

Yeah I haven't updated in a while, but what's it matter I don't have followers anyways sooooo yeahhh. Also writer's block is a bitch really, I'm sure all you writers can relate anywhooooo. Person who actually inspired me to write was actually MIDNIGHTMEMORIES1234. But like whatever right, no one's reading this sooooo yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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