Potentia V

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"My name's Potentia, and you just pissed me off."

Almost immediately the nearly bald father came up to me and asked,

"Where the hell is my daughter? And who the fuck are you?"

My lips curled into yet another smirk.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm the ancient goddess living inside your daughter, as for where she is, let's keep that as my little secret."

I could tell that they didn't anything I said, but continued to listen anyways,

" I don't like how you are treating her, she does not want many things yet you deny her happiness. Why?"

"We're not denying her anything, she needs to stop acting like she acts," blondie told me.

"Yes you are, this is how she is, how she was created and by suppressing her you are releasing me, a monster."

"What are you?"

" I am your worst nightmare, your child was creating with only power in mind, she instinctively will take on the role of the strongest predator, which in this case is a human and considering I never really did give all of the dominant traits to one gender and split them up she is trying to take on both roles."

"You're talking as if you created humans," a small voice piped in, her younger brother I assume. I was not to harm him. Pity.

"He's right only God can do that, and you're not God," said the blonde.

"There is no God, only us."

"Who is us?" her voice was getting annoying now.

"My siblings and I of course, we are the Creators," I bowed,"and if you excuse me I have a person to find."

Then I disappeared in dark flames.


I clutched my head as my vessel pounded within, fighting to be released. With a burst of energy the being inside my head took over and I was once again I was pulled into the depths of her mind.


I knew. It was that simple, all those years of weird accidents happening around me, those strange dreams. I wasn't human, well not exactly, considering I help a fucking ancient god inside me and had been reborn over thousands of centuries.

I had powers, instinctively I knew about being able to control fire and shadows, which I might add is awesome as hell.  

Sadly enough, I needed to go back to my parents, I had to erase their memories along as those who were at the party. I didn't know where the hell I was though. Just as I started freaking out I felt the shadows swallow me and the next thing I knew was that I was back in front of my parents. . When I got close enough I opened a mental link. 

I removed everything that happened tonight and while I was it I decided to just take away their free will, they listen to me now.

My parents blinked and snapped out of the trance, then my father spoke up,

"Uh there's soda in the kitchen."

I headed over to the kitchen and walked between the guest, who had forgotten everything from tonight.

I would so enjoying this. 

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