Potentia I

21 1 0

Centuries Later

Potentia POV

Rolling my eyes I turned back to the tortured soul, I was sitting on my throne, the soul in front of was begging for me to send him to my brother's realm, something about his wife being there. 

"Look, I really don't care, you died because your wife decided to fight back while you were drunk and beating the shit out of her, so if you think I'll just pop you up there then you are sorely mistaken, you have two options, you shut the fuck up and go before I worsen your punishment or you keep talking and serve as chew toy for the hell hounds", I spoke not really giving a shit.

The mortal literally pissed his pants and made a run for it.

"Shadows", I snapped my fingers, and in seconds two shadows grabbed his arms.

" Give him a punishment level 45, you thought your punishment was bad well its gonna seem like a vacation compared to this," I told him, and in return man struggled even harder to get out of the shadows' grip as they took him to a new punishment room.

I checked my watch Shit! I was late.

With a snap of my fingers I changed outfits, then, I flashed to the entrance of the palace.

"Brother," I greeted Vires.

"You're late," he snapped.

" Well some of us don't live in a paradise where everybody behaves little brother", I said condescendingly," Nice reunion." 

"Potentia, I have a preposition for you," he started and paused, I motioned him to go on," We are alone in our realms, we rarely visit each other, due to the fact that we are to busy, I say we ask father if we could have a companion, a person that can take over when we are to busy, either fighting in a war or fooling around," he finished.

" That sounds like a good idea, brother," I praised," But, how do you suppose that father will listen to our plea."

" Potentia, he must acknowledge the fact we cannot spend eternity alone, I am sure that he would be reasonable, and grant us this wish," he explained.

" So in other words you do not have a plan," I told him.

" No," he sighed," I don't, but together we can do anything, remember."

" Very well, brother," I said finally caving in,"Let's go ask Father."

In the Throne Room

" Father, we come with a request", Vires started as we bowed before our father.

"Rise, my children what can I do for you", he said in a caring tone, which he only uses with us.

" Father, we have come to a realization, which is we cannot spend eternity alone," I told him.

" But my children, you will find your soulmates," he told us.

" Yes Father, we know but when we do when will it be, days centuries, millenniums, even we cannot wait that long, all  we ask for a companion, who will take care of our realms when we're gone," Vires explained.

¨Children?" Father inquired.

¨ No, more like other siblings,¨ Vires clarified. 

" Very well my children, you shall have companions, but with some conditions," said Father.

" What are they?" I asked.

" Every ten years, both of your companions will have a personality change. Good to bad and bad to good," that actually wasn't that bad.

"Very well then, Father," we said in unison, we accept your terms," and with a snap of his fingers there stood two children, one with red eyes like mine, a boy. And a girl with blue eyes like Vires. Teenagers by the way.

" What are their names?" I asked my dad.

" Why don't you ask them," he told me.

So that's what I did," What are your names?"

" I am Intrepidus," said the boy, Intrepidus," you may call me Tre"

" And I am Neutra," the girl, Neutra or Arty, next to him said or Tre as he liked being called.

" Welcome siblings, I am Vires but can call me Vir," Said Vires.

I send him an ' Are-you-kidding-me' look, he never let's me call him that.

I decided to do the same,"I'm Potentia, you may call me Tya." 

Both Vires or now Vir and my father's mouth popped open in shock, guess they didn't think I would do it.

" I will go with Tya," said Intrepidus his red eyes gleaming with dark excitement.

" Then I shall go with Vir," said Neutra, smiling innocently, like Vires.

" Wait," exclaimed my father, we all turned to look at him," Intrepidus has control over his ultimate power but a quick temper, if his eyes truly turn black he cannot use his powers until he calms down, Neutra rarely gets angry, and when she does she can use her ultimate power but, as protection she has a shield both mental and physical," he told us.

"Oh and sure you forgot to tell us that," I said sarcastically.

He just smiled and said," Conditions."

And with that we parted to our realms, Intrepidus and I in a flash of black, and Vires and Neutra in a flash of white.

In Hell

" And this is my Throne," I said finally finishing with the tour of hell, who knew it was so damn big.

As I sat down, I noticed Intrepidus didn't have a throne, so I said," We could make you a throne if you'd like, your choice, your design."

I could see him brighten up, so I snapped my fingers and black note book appeared," Make it go with the mood, I don't want a blue throne in here to ruin the aura," I told him raising an eyebrow.

I could see him drawing quickly very concentrated. Until the pencil stopped.

"Beautiful," I whispered.

It was beautiful, it had the shape of a dragon and it was black and red like mine.

" Thank you" he said, pleased that I had liked the throne," I tried making it look like yours so it wouldn't spoil the mood."

I smiled.

"It wouldn't have mattered if you spoiled the mood as long as you where happy," I told him, ugh! when did I become so emotional.

And with that he sat down and another souls entered the room waiting to be judged.

"Go ahead," I told him," It's your turn,"

His eyes turned crimson and he turned his head to the soul, smiling evilly.

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