Chapter 4: Test Result

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"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once." Aizawa said.

The screen popped up showing everyone's scores and placement. Y/N noticed that she was place in third causing her to be proud but did feel bad for Midoriya who was place in last.

"By the way, I was lying about the explosion." Aizawa said, turning off the screen and noticed the class was shocked that it was all a lie. "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your quirks."

"Of course that was a lie. It should've been obvious if you just thought it through." Momo explained.

Y/N giggle a little as she did thought about it being a ruse but was glad that Aizawa did, to help push her to the limit.

"With that, we're done here. There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom so when you get back, look over them." Aizawa said, before heading off.

It was the afternoon Y/N walked out of the school, feeling tired and just want to go to sleep. She noticed Izuku and Iida standing at the gate, walked towards them while wondering what were they talking about. "Hello!" She said, startling both of them.

"Oh...hello Rengoku." Izuku said, nervously while still startled by how loud she can be.

"Rengoku, please alert us next time you want to talk with us!" Iida said, chopping his hands.

"My bad, I was just wondering what you two were talking about." She said

"Oh we were talking about Aizawa methods and Recovery Girl quirk." Izuku said

"Oh. Well I hope Recovery Girl healed your broken fingers, I mean it look like it hurt whenever you use your quirk." She said, causing Izuku to slightly panic.

"O-Oh well I'm just getting used to my quirk in full power." He said

"Well keep on training! I'm sure your quirk will improve during our years at U.A." Y/N replied, smiling while patting his back.

"With Aizawa Sensei teaching us, I think it might help me improve my quirk some more." Izuku smiled, thinking about learning how to control his quirk to save people.

"I was really taken in by Aizawa Sensei. I even thought 'This is the best of the best' and such. I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie." Iida explained

"That must mean that Aizawa Sensei trust us to use our full potential with a lie!" She said.

"Hey! You guys!" Ochako called out, running towards them, "going to the station? Wait for me!"

"You're the infinity girl." Iida said

"I'm Ochako Uraraka." She introduced herself, "um, you're Tenya Iida, Rengoku Y/N, and Deku Midoriya, right?" She questioned

"Deku?!" He exclaimed

"Huh? But during the fitness test, the boy named Bakugou said, "Deku, you bastard!" She explain

"Doesn't Deku mean useless?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms

"Uh... my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me..."

"An insult?" Iida questioned

"Oh, is that right? Sorry!" Ochako apologized, then thought of something. "But 'Deku' sounds like Japanese word for 'You can do it!' so I kinda like it."

"I'm Deku!" Izuku said, feeling his face getting hot

Y/N was confused and smile nervously, "But wasn't that an insult?" She replied

"It's like a Copernican Revolution." He said, covering his face

"Co-op?" Ochako questioned

"Well it's getting late, so I see you guys tomorrow!" Y/N waved at them, heading to station to head home, pulling out her phone to check to see if there any messages that she had missed.

Her father had texted her to buy some more alcohol which she ignored as she decided to buy some dinner for them. She got off the next stop, headed to the store to buy some foods along with some medicines for her father. 'I hope my father is awake when I come home, I want to tell him about my day.' She thought, paying for her things and walked home.

Unlocking the front door, noticing Senjuro was in the living room watching tv and doing his homework. "Senjuro! I'm home!" She yelled, closing the door and went to the kitchen to fix some dinner.

"Y/N!" He rushed over to his big sister with a smile on his face, "how was your day? Did you see All Might?!" He asked, a lot of questions

"Well I didn't get to see All Might but apparently an underground hero named 'Eraser Head' is my teacher." She whispered, which she enjoyed seeing Senjuro face brighten up.

"Anyway you should get out of your school clothes while I make some dinner." She said, heading to the kitchen to make some food for her brother and her father, as she thought about her classmates that was in her class.

After making dinner, she place the food on the table while heading to her father room and open the door. "Hello father, I made your favorite beef hotpot." She said, placing the bowl on a small table. "Come on, you got to get up so you can be healthy and strong." She said, walking over to her father and shaking him out of his sleep.

Shinjuro groan and try to push her away, which she didn't budge as she continue to shake him until he fully wake up. "I'm up. I'm up." He mumbled, sitting up from his bed while smelling like booze, "why are you wearing that school uniform?"

"i told you before, that I passed my entrance exam and got into U.A." She said, picking up the bottle of alcohol off the ground. "Father, please eat some of your food and try not to drink a lot of alcohol. I want you to become big and strong when I was a child." She smile softly, leaving the room to eat her food while noticing her little brother had already finish eating.

'My food must've tasted that good for him to finish that fast.' She thought, continue eating her beef hotspot until it was all gone. "Senjuro we going to continue our training tomorrow ok." She said, heading to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"Aw do we have to?" He asked, complaining a little as he dreaded training since he doesn't improve a lot with his quirk

"Yes, your quirk need some improving plus if we don't continue our training we might forget the skills that we had learn over the past few years." She added, while having her hands on her hips. "Now go change into your pajamas it's getting late and you have school tomorrow."

"Ok." He said, heading to his room to change and head to bed

[Y/N] went to her room and change into her pajamas, as she was getting ready for bed while feeling comfy. She went to sleep as she can't wait for tomorrow.

Word limits: 1179

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