Chapter 6: Fire verus Ice

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[Y/N] and Tokoyami entered the building, standing next to the weapon as they both were preparing for the hero team.

"I believe we must set up a game plan, Tokoyami since we going against Yaoyaozoru and Todoroki." [Y/N] said

"You are correct, it would be better if you go up against Todoroki while I take on Yaoyaozoru." He said

"Now, let's start the second indoor person to person combat training match!" All Might announced

"Should it be best that we split up?" Momo asked, holding a pole in her hands.

"No. Go outside. It's dangerous. I'm sure our opponents intend to fight a defensive battle." Todoroki advised, raising his right arm up release a flurries and mist appearing. He walked over to the wall and touched it, causing the whole building to be covered in ice. "But that does not matter to me."

Momo nodded, leaving the building while watching the ice take over

On the other side of the building, [Y/N] noticed ice coming towards them which she's grab Tokoyami by the waist and jumping up in the air to avoid being stuck. "I didn't know Todoroki ice can take over this fast."

"We should watch our step, I might not be use in this battle but I can still try to help." Tokoyami said, shivering from the freezing cold

"I'm surprised you managed to not get trapped in the ice that I made." Todoroki said, entering the room, "unfortunately I will have to cut our time short and need to pass this assignment."

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this, but we won't let you get the weapon." She said, pulling her sword out of her sheath.

"I guess you won't be surrendering then." Todoroki raised his hand and released some ice towards them which Tokoyami try to use Dark Shadow, but with the overwhelming cold increasing didn't help.

[Y/N] was using her sword to block ice coming towards her, "Flame Breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire!" She dash towards him and unleashes a singular slash as fire came out of her sword.

Todoroki shock and pulled back, his hands started to shake a little while gritting his teeth. Not wanting to show any weakness, he continue to release ice.

'How can she use fire without being afraid of it? I need to find a different tactic to defeat her.' Todoroki switch his target onto Tokoyami who was struggling to land a single hit on him. As he uses his full power to release more ice onto him, causing Tokoyami to be frozen up against the wall.

[Y/N] grip her sword and stand her ground, taking in a deep breath as she needs to end this round. "Flame Breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" She swung her blade upwards to slice the ice while landing a kick at him.

Todoroki continue to overuse his right side of his quirk as ice was spreading on his body while shivering. 'I need to win! I need to beat her! I need to prove that I don't need to use my left side!'

"I'm sorry, but I need to win!" [Y/N] continued to overuse her quirk, as she push past through the ice. It was a battle between fire and ice, whoever win this villain versus heroes assignment. [Y/N] continue to push through, overwhelming Todoroki as he was close to having frostbite while she was burning up real quick.

She managed to strike Todoroki on the stomach and landing the final blow to at least knock him out. As she was standing there, stumbling over her feet as she had overused her quirk causing her to feel high fever. She fallen to her knees and fainted, burning up real fast.

"It's seems to be a tied!" All Might announced, as robots came inside the building to retrieve Rengoku, Todoroki and Tokoyami (which took a while to get him out of the ice).

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