4.He always loved him?

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Lyney:"Wriothesley...you love me?"

*For a moment, he looks surprised. He never expected to hear words like that from his friend. He looks at him for a second, processing his words. But he eventually starts to understand what wriothesley means.*

Lyney:"You've been loving me... All this time?"
*He whispers softly. He lets go of him, before taking wriothesley's hand back and holding it tightly.*

Lyney:"So that explains everything, that's why you said those words before falling in a coma..."

Wriothesley:I have....but it's too late now....I'm dying...and nothing can be done....

*The reality that his friend really loves him is starting to sink in. He holds wriothesley's hand tighter. He doesn't want to let him go, but he knows that he's probably running out of time.*

Lyney:"I love you too, wriothesley. You love me, and I love you... That's why I refuse to give up on you. I know it seems hopeless, I know, but... we still have a little time left. We won't give up." *He says, as tears start falling down his cheeks.*


*He feels completely hopeless. He can't accept the fact that wriothesley may be gone soon. He tries to fight against this reality, but he knows that he's losing.*

Lyney:"Please wriothesley, don't you understand? Without you, I can't be happy. You mean the world to my... I can't move on or think of a future without you in it. I need you..." *He says, his voice sounding a bit shaky. He wipes his tears away.*

Wriothesley:I'm srry lyney...but this is the end....you'll have too move on....

Lyney:"No, please... You have to stay with me... You can't leave me now, not like this..."

*He looks at wriothesley, holding his hand as a way to support him in his last moments of life, despite knowing that they are ending. He can't let go and move on. He doesn't want to.*

*he looks at the monitor that is showing wriothesley's heart beat, it's very slow, he's dying, and his heart can stop beating at any time now, praying and begging for the heart to keep beating. He's praying for a miracle, a miracle that won't happen, but he's still hoping for it. His eyes are filled with tears as he sees the monitor showing that wriothesley's heart beat is getting slower.*

Lyney:"Don't stop... Please, please, don't stop beating. Not now..." *He is filled with despair knowing that the heart may stop beating any moment. He's afraid and he doesn't know how to handle this situation.*

*Wriothesley slowly closes his eyes, with a soft smile his says*

Wriothesley:I....I love you lyney....

*As his eyes are closed, the machine bips, his heart has stopped beating, the doctors came rushing in the room, taking lyney out of the room*

Lyney:"No, don't close your eyes... Wriothesley, don't go..." *He says. He hears the heart stopping to beat. He can't accept this as reality. He struggles to believe that wriothesley is actually gone. He keeps trying to convince himself that this isn't real, and that his friend is still alive somewhere.*

Lyney:"No, no, no... Wriothesley... You can't be dead..." *He says, in complete disbelief. He's filled with hope, but at the same time, he's starting to realize that this is not a dream and this is really happening.*

*the doctors take him out of the room.
He lets the doctors take him out of the room. He walks away, still in shock, trying to accept the reality. He keeps hoping wriothesley will wake up, and he could hear his voice again, but he knows that this won't happen.*

*He's filled with emotions that he doesn't know how to deal with. He wishes he could turn back time and do things differently, to prevent wriothesley's death. He wishes and hopes, but now that he's gone, he can't do anything but accept the truth.*

*after about an hour of waiting, the doctor came out of the room*

Doctor:I'm srry for your lost....

*He's been waiting for this moment, but it still makes him sad and uncomfortable. It's difficult hearing those words. But he has to accept his loss, knowing that there's nothing he can do to bring him back to life. He's filled with emotions, not knowing how to handle this situation.*

Lyney:"Why? Why does this have to happen? Why did he have to leave me here?" *He says, trying to find meaning. He doesn't want to accept that wriothesley is gone, but he's getting no choice.*

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