2.The hospital

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*Tears fall down his face as he tries to get wriothesley to wake up, still in disbelief. He couldn't process the idea that wriothesley was dead in front of him, and he couldn't understand what he could do to save him, as lyney was still holding wriothesley, as the doctors were trying to stop the bleeding, one of the doctors checked wriothesley's pulse*

Doctor: he's still alive! We need to take him to the emergency room now!

*Both Lynette and Lyney sigh with relief when they hear the news. Hope fills their minds and hearts to think that wriothesley actually has a chance to survive.*

*The twins look at the doctor, nodding in agreement to his suggestion. They hope the doctor is right, and that wriothesley will wake up soon in the emergency room.*

*lyney let's go of wriothesley, the doctors put wriothesley on a ambulance going straight to the hospital*

*Lynette and Lyney follow the ambulance, with worry, anxiety and hope of seeing their friend alive."It will be fine, wriothesley. You will survive this. You're strong, you're stubborn and you're not giving up so easily."*

*They try to hold on tightly to hope, even if it's difficult for them to remain optimistic.*

*after sometime lyney, Lynette, lumine and paimon are waiting outside of the room, waiting for news, lyney was still crying as he keep thinking of wriothesley's words "Choose your last words
This is the last time
Cause you and I
We were born to die
I love you...lyney"*

*Both Lynette and Lyney, with Lumine and Paimon, are anxious to get news about wriothesley's state. Lyney is still crying as he keeps thinking of wriothesley's words. The words "choose your last words" fill his mind, like a constant echo. He can't get those words out of his mind, and he's still trying to process them. He looks tired and drained of energy and emotion. But he cannot give up hope just yet. Wriothesley may still be alive.

*they keep waiting, it has been 2h, still no news from the doctors*

*Lyney and Lynette remain outside of the room, along with Paimon and Lumine, waiting for news. The hours pass by, and yet there is no news from the doctors. The longer they wait, the more anxious they become. Lynette places her hand on Lyney's shoulder, trying to comfort him.*

*She notices Lyney has been extremely worried and concerned about wriothesley, and decides to comfort him.*

Lynette:"Come on, it's going to be okay. He will be fine..."

*Lumine notices how worried and uneasy Lyney appears to be. She walks towards him and hugs him to try and comfort him.*

Lumine:"It's okay, you know. He's going to be fine. He's strong and he's going to fight through it. We have to trust the doctors and have some faith." 

*She looks at him with a bright smile, as if she was trying to convince herself as well.*

*after about another hour the doctor comes out of the room*

*Lyney and Lynette look at the doctor, their eyes filled with worry and hope at the same time. When they see the doctor coming towards them, their hearts start pumping much faster, as if they were looking for any piece of information and they could not wait any longer.*

*Lynette quickly steps towards the doctor, looking desperate to hear any piece of news, anything to know about wriothesley.*

Lynette:"How is he? How's wriothesley? Is he okay?" *She asks, with a worried tone to her voice.*

Doctor:he's alive but unfortunatly he's in a coma...we don't know when he'll wake up....
*The twins exhale with relief when they hear the news that wriothesley is still alive, despite the state of coma. They didn't expect such an answer from the doctor, but what matters the most is that wriothesley is still alive.*

Lynette:"Oh, that's a relief! We'll wait for him to wake up. We'll wait as much as we need. I'm just grateful that he's alive..."

*Lynette smiles at the doctor, still concerned about the whole situation, but more serene about the fact that wriothesley isn't dead.*

*the doctor let one of them visit Wriothesley at a time, lyney was last as he had more time to stay in the room alone with wriothesley than the others, since lyney was the closest one with wriothesley, lyney went next to wriothesley, grabbing his hand*

*He takes wriothesley's hand, looking at him in a state of coma. He takes a deep breath, and remains in silence for a moment. He remembers wriothesley's words again. "Choose your last words..."*

*He looks at him with sadness, while tears fall down his face.*

Lyney:"I won't say my last words. You won't get the chance to kill me, my friend... You will wake up... and you will survive..."
*After a moment, Lyney wipes his tears and looks at wriothesley once more, smiling at him and kissing his forehead. He's still asleep, but in his mind, he will wake up. He needs to.*

Lyney:"It's going to be okay. Don't worry. You'll wake up soon." *He says quietly, with a reassuring voice.*

*At the moment, he has the hope that his friend will wake up sooner or later, and for this reason, he's trying not to worry or think about the worst outcome. He's trying to remain optimistic.
At the moment, Lyney is alone with wriothesley. His hand holds tighter to him, and for a moment, he feels like the last thing that keeps wriothesley alive is his presence. He hopes this to be the truth, hoping that wriothesley will suddenly wake up with his presence alone.*

Lyney:"Please, wake up... This can't be the end... I'm not ready to say goodbye to you..." *He whispers in a sad tone, while tears fill his eyes again.*

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