。 just wanna hold your hand 。

4 0 0

Over the next few weeks, Xiao and Lumine continued to get closer.

It was as if I'd never existed, as if I didn't matter, because just like how the main character forgets about all the side characters that supported them in the past, Xiao chases after Lumine like a moth drawn to fire.

It's a horrible, horrible feeling you get when the one person you love doesn't love you back. It's a feeling similar to sinking, and yet burning to ashes underneath the waves. Thrust into seafoam, only to be washed up upon shore to start the cycle over and over again.

Yet each time, I still believe that there is hope, because the heart is as blind as a bat.

- - - -

Xiao and I sit on 2 pillows laid across my fluffy F/C carpet. Even though this is the first time we've hung out alone, just the 2 of us, in ages, all he's done is yammer on about Lumine.

The way Xiao whines about Lumine is almost heartwarming, if I didn't know the context. With these treachourous feelings in my heart, seeing Xiao fall in love seems almost illegal.

I feel horrible, wishing that it was me instead of Lumine he was talking about, but everyone has to be selfish at some point, right?

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N, are you even listening?"

"What..." I mumble, leaning my head on Xiao's shoulder. "Sorry, it's just that I've been kinda sleepy these past days... with all the homework and whatnot." The lie comes out easily. Well, it's only half a lie. It's not that I've been busy with homework lately, I've just been spacing out for random period of time now.

Sometimes I wonder if I should've confessed Xiao earlier, that maybe if I did we could've been living life exactly like I'd wanted.

Had I missed the perfect timing being overly cautious and avoiding?

"Y/N!!!" Xiao poked my forehead.

"Huh..." I said, "AH SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SPACE OUT AGAIN!" I jump back from Xiao's amber eyes that were way, way too close to my face.

Gulping, I pushed him away.

Xiao sat back down.

"Well... you know how prom is coming up?" He started.

"Yeah...?" I replied.

"Well... I wanted to ask Lumine to go with me, will you help? I already have everything planned out, don't worry."

The words I was going to say falter.

Why am I jealous?

Why do I even try, or care?

He was never yours to begin with.


by: cat

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