୨⎯ a new star approaches ⎯୧

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In a world that had previously only revolved around Xiao but now had no place for me, the silence I was left with was overwhelming.

It wasn't like I didn't have a life: I had hobbies, I liked manga, I liked playing videogames with Xiao... but doing all of these alone with no one to rant about obscurities or gush over characters with? That was a lonely, repetitive endeavour.

Aether though, charming, charismatic Aether with his easy smiles and eyes crinkling with golden mirth. Aether with his easygoing nature and wide-eyed expressions. Aether with the corner of his mouth quirked, half-lidded eyes roaming across the room in search of fun because he hated boring things.

That's why in the summer after Xiao and Lumine started dating, the summer after a spring of moping and self-pity, when release came in the form of Aether, I dove in without second thoughts. Beguiling as he was, there was simply no reason not to take the plunge.


The second time I met Aether, I thought he was a jerk.

"Sometimes I feel like the world isn't fair to me..." I said sadly to my lonely sandwich. I imagined the sandwich too looking at me in pity, just like my mom had when she'd asked me why I didn't hang out with Xiao anymore.


The voice shocked me.

"Woah, there's no way sandwiches can talk, are you sure you're a sandwich?" I asked the sandwich tentatively.

Golden hair floated into my vision, accompanied by honeyed words and eyes.

Aether said in his most annoying baby voice, "You think I'm a sandwich? That's cute."

He flicked his earring nonchalantly when I remained silent. It jangled against his neck obnoxiously, but I just couldn't help noticing his soft cheeks, still just a hint of baby fat. Seriously, what was this guy's skincare routine?

"So why aren't you with that emo piss face? I thought you guys were best friends for life?" He asked almost teasingly.

I could feel my annoyance growing at a rapid pace. First off, I was embarrassed having been caught talking to a sandwich, and definitely irked at his perfect skin, but thirdly? Wow, this guy was a jerk. Was he bringing up Xiao on purpose because he knew I'd say something?

Angrily, I fired back, "Why aren't you crying about this to your sister?" I wasn't even sure if the two siblings were close, considering that really I'd never seen Aether around except that one time Xiao asked Lumine to prom.

"Hmmm?" Was his response. "Lumine? I don't talk to her much, she's always talking to Xiao." He tapped his chin. "Aren't they cute together?" His dimples looked evil with those words.

I bit back a retort, scared of letting him see through my feelings.

"Whatever, it's not like Xiao's my entire life or something. What's wrong with taking some time for myself?"

Aether raised an eyebrow.

"Why'd you come here anyways? Are you stalking me or something?" I continued. It wasn't easy to find the third floor hallway, as it was almost never used except for when there were guest visitors. I was there because... sitting in the cafeteria alone seemed to be the only other option, and I'd prefer this in a heartbeat, even with the dust bunnies and creepy footprints.

"That's funny of you to say, because this is my spot." Aether said.

"Yeah?" I challenged. "Then how come you weren't here yesterday?"

Aether rolled his eyes and held up his arm. "Cast." He explained. I felt stupid for not noticing.

Not wanting to argue with him, I rolled my eyes, preparing to move to maybe the other end of the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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