(Leamak) Fairytale

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Gorgeous. The way her eyes are shining, showing just how elated she is at this very moment. The way her nose crinkled, forming lines that would cause marks that would eventually be embedded in her body, but why would she mind? When she'd have a remembrance of this time where she feels like she's floating, travelling from cloud to cloud. The way her smile is lighting up this room, warming the hearts of the people who bears witness to it. Her radiance at this very moment is indescribable. My Yewon. With your pure heart and your unparalleled wit. You've captured the very being of my soul. Captivated the closed off monster that was so feral to anyone else who dared take a peek at it. You've done it so naturally, using the truest most sincere form of your love.

I watched as you make your way to me so elegantly, your father is by your side, wiping away the tears that are trickling down his cheeks. You laughed at him, bumping his shoulder and whispering in his ear. That mischievous glint in your eyes and the telltale sign of a blush starting to appear on his cheeks tells me that you both are reminiscing of the first time you've brought me to meet them. I was scared shitless. Never have I felt fear quite like that.

It wasn't the way he would stare me down, judging me with every fiber of his being. Nor was it the questions that accompanied said stare. Like an interrogation of the most important case this world would ever house. It was the fact that there was a possibility of me losing you, with one wrong move. The sliver of a chance that with one wrong move, your perfect world would shatter, and I would be the cause of it. Prompting a stream of tears to cascade down your beautiful face, leaving nothing but sorrow in it's wake. No. I can't have that, I won't let that happen. That is a sight I could never bear witness to. So, I'm gonna sit here and show them what your love has done to me. How it shaped me into a better person, a person who deserves to be by your side. Thankfully, I managed to not fuck anything up. Your mother has a wide smile, mirroring your own. You look alike, specially that smile.. At that moment, I realized that I'd never wanna lose that. That smile that could light such powerful emotions within me. The smile I am seeing at this very moment. The smile I want to protect for as long as my heart beats. As the night progressed, they could see that our feelings are true and that we aren't rushing or taking anything for granted. Your father was still strict, as most fathers would be. But it seems that he acknowledges and respects me as your partner. And it's adorable how your mother scolded him for "being so tough on the poor kid", then he started to let his hard exterior down for the first time that night, a small tint of pink could be seen on his cheeks. It was nice. This is what a family should be. The kind of family I imagined building with you..

You both reach where I stood. I could still remember how your father had tears in his eyes, he couldn't speak. He looked at me, a million emotions swirling in his eyes, but I could only identify one, I can't quite remember right now.. but it is a familiar feeling. I gave him a nod, and smiled slightly. I may not remember why but, I know that I was making sure that he knows that I would always be here, that I would protect this family with all that I am.

I took your hand in mine, guided you to your rightful place. The ceremony proceeded, it went along smoothly. We laughed as we recall all the good times that we shared. And the not so good ones too. Every moment with you has always been irreplaceable. That's just who you are. You're a safe space. A light to those around you. We both said our sweet "I do" and it's finally time to seal it with a kiss. I took a deep breath, admired your widely smiling face for a few more minutes. My heart won't rest. My chest is hurting from the emotions I feel. I guess I love you this much, huh.. You smiled at me, patiently letting me take my time. I leaned in slowly. Savouring every touch. How you slid your hands up my back and pulled me close to you bit by bit. While I snake my arms around your waist and pull you to me. I used my hand to lightly grab your chin and bring your face closer to mine. Then when our lips met, I felt my heart explode. The way your lips fits perfectly onto mine. The melody that the rhythm of our heartbeats have created were music to my ears. The way that I held onto you for dear life. I can feel it all. I pulled away and slowly opened my eyes.

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