(Main line) Don't Get Lost

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Eunbi's POV

I watched as the person infront of me kneel down, hands trembling while holding the velvet box. I couldn't believe it, infront of our families and friends. We are the center of attention. I watch with baited breath, as I listened to the question. Looking right at those soulful eyes, begging me to spend eternity with them. And as much as my heart feels heavy, as much as I wanted to follow my heart and say that this isn't right, and that this isn't for us.. I nodded and said yes.

His face lit up instantly as he took my hand and put the ring on me, he wrapped me in his arms and gave my head a kiss. All the things he's doing should make my heart feel light, but I only felt dread.

And as I turned to watch everyone here, my heart fell at the sight of her. My eyes closed to hers. Those eyes that always captivated me, those eyes that made me feel safe. Those eyes that were so closed off and unfeeling. The eyes that felt like a void, hollow and empty. But made me fall for them. Despite the dangers of it.

And I knew it was a dangerous game, I knew that falling for her would only hurt us both. Because while she was afraid of commitment, I already was.

It was because of selfishness. That selfish desire to hold her in my arms. To be the one she cherish and adore. That selfishness made us fall for each other, to be each other's light in our dark world. And we felt so at peace. That we were made for one another. But we weren't, because this isn't a fairytale, this is not some movie that would magically give us what we wanted, if we hurt enough.

I watched as those eyes went from desperate to defeated. No, please don't give up, I'll find a way. Just trust me. My desperate thoughts, hoping that she could somehow read them.

She gave me a smile. A smile that wishes me well, that says no matter what I'll always be in her heart. A smile that accepts the end. No! Fuck, I can't let her go now. Not like this. Not when it feels like she's giving up on us.

I looked at the man who has me in his arms, silently watching our interaction. And he just nodded. I wasted no time and followed her out, she already got in her car so I got in the passenger seat.

She was startled but composed herself. I can see the way she's holding back tears. And that her cheeks were already stained by them. We sat in silence. Not uncomfortable but not pleasant either. After a few more minutes just basking in each other's presence, she spoke. Her voice sounded so broken, so fragile. I did that.

"What are you doing here Eunbi?" She looked at me tired. Like being here with me is draining her energy.

"I just.. I don't know.." I spoke with uncertainty. I couldn't bring myself to lie. But telling her the truth isn't any easier either.

I heard her chuckle bitterly. "Then what do you know?" The disdain in her voice was very prominent. It hurt. Not only that emotion, but the words that she uttered. I deserve it, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"I'm sorry." I desperately grabbed onto her shoulder hoping I could convey my sincerity.

She shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me? Why.. Why did you let me make a fool of myself Eunbi? Why did you let me pursue you when you were already committed to someone else? What were you feeling then? All the times we laughed together, cried, held each other. What was going through your mind then? Why did you give me hope when you knew our situation was hopeless?" The words she said made me looked down, feeling guilty for shattering the heart of such an amazing person. And the way she said everything, it was devoid of any emotion, but I can feel it's intensity.

"Yuj-" before I could finish she cut me off.

"It's Yuna. Please.. just.. just call me Yuna." My heart shattered. No. I can't. This isn't right! Her face and voice still showed no emotion. But I can feel something intense stewing within her. My Yuju. I'm sorry, please just give me more time, I'll fix this. I promise. I tried to call out to her again, but I can't.. not like this.. not when she doesn't even want to hear her nickname coming from me.

So I sat there. Lost and completely broken. "Yu-" she looked at me, her eyes showing how drained she's become. It broke my heart. I relented, for her. "-na. Yuna, please. I.. I know it's selfish of me to ask this. But please, don't stop. Don't give up, please. I'm sorry for asking. But please, I need time. I swear I'll fix this and make everything right for us." My voice breaking, but I didn't care. I need her to know this. My breath could not keep up with all the emotions I feel. But mostly it's desperation. As hard as it was, I looked at her, and I saw how the gears in her head was turning.

She finally looked at me, eyes filled with drive and uncertainty. "What do you mean? What are you trying to say Eunbi?! I.. I can't play your game anymore. I can't.. my heart wouldn't be able to take it." She said as tears rapidly cascade off the side of her face. But her gaze remained on me, unyielding, and hopeful. So I returned it with a determined look of my own.

"Yuna, I promise you. I can't tell you all the details right now, but I promise you that this isn't the end for us. I wouldn't let it be." I extended my arms to her. She was surprised by the sudden move and her look became scrutinizing. So I explained, "I know I'm a jerk for asking you to trust me right now. But I assure you that my heart is yours, you're my love and my life. I've surrendered my heart, mind, and soul to you. Even if it doesn't seem like it." I sighed heavily, removed my hair tie and put it on her wrist before continuing. "Choi Yuna, I, Hwang Eunbi, will forever and always have you in my heart. My love for you will never fade and would only continue to grow every second that is consumed in our lifetime. I'm sorry for doing this to us, keeping us apart. But I assure you that I am yours, no matter where we are and who we're with, my heart would continue to beat for you, my mind would continue to fight for you, and my soul would forever be intertwined with yours. I'm a jerk for asking this time away from you, but it'll be worth it. For us. I promise I'll explain, I just can't right now. So, what do you say?" I looked at my hair tie in her wrist wistfully, before looking at her, my eyes filled with my unsaid hope. Please Yuj.. see me, see my intentions.. make this promise with me..

I can see the inhibitions swirling in those gorgeous eyes, the trepidation of what this promise could bring about for the both of us. But above all, my hope is mirrored in it. And I see the way she reaches for my hands, clasping them tightly. Creating a connection that we've never had before, she's conveying an amount of trust so palpable that I could feel it coursing through me. We cried, exchanging a promise with our eyes.

I hugged her tightly. "Yuj.. thanks, thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. For trusting me despite everything that transpired. I assure you, that you're the only one who has my heart, and the only one I want to marry. Let me just fix this big mess." I said those words while tears rolled uncontrollably down my face. I can see her smile proudly at me despite the tears flowing down the side of her face, which were more than my own. I didn't even think that was possible.

She kissed my cheeks, reassuring me that she's there and that she understands. "My Eunbi, I may be confused right now, when am I not though?" We chuckled at that, that joke lightening the mood that encompassed us. "But all jokes aside, my mind may be confused right now but I know my heart isn't. I've always been too scared of committing, afraid of getting lost in my feelings for someone else. That I'd be taken advantage of. However at this moment, I trust you. I am putting my faith in us, because that feels like the natural thing to do. I may not know what's going on with you, but I will trust you to handle it. And I know that the best thing I could do for you right now is give way. I'll be waiting for you Eunbi. The ball is on your court, contact me whenever you need or want to. My heart is yours, like yours is mine. I will be waiting, holding onto this promise we made here, cramped in my car." We again let out a chuckle at the last part. My heart swells with pride at the girl I love. The girl I treasure most. We looked at each other intensely and after a few minutes we sealed our deal with a kiss. The kiss lasted for what felt like a short moment, but in truth we were at it for quite some time. We both tried to convey every emotion we were feeling. Our last kiss, for now..

"See you in our future Bi. We'd have to go our separate ways for now." I gave her one last smile, for now. As I got off her car and watch her drive off.

Well.. until she reached Sowon unnie, who got in the car with her. I let out a soft chuckle, my girl could get lost easily.

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