December 20

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December 20


Dear future self,

I just realized, maybe I am not as bad as I picture myself. I mean I've left a considerable mark everywhere I've been. Well, not to boast but still. There are people who'll miss me when I'm gone.

Reality #11: Secrets and lies kill a relationship.

No matter how hard you try, how careful you are you will get caught. You might always have a good reason to lie but you'll always have a better reason to tell the truth. If you wanna have a perfect relationship, don't lie ; don't hide. If a person truly deserves, he will understand your reason and let it go.

Reality #12: You need to let loose.

You do not need to beat yourself up and keep yourself in a box all the time. Confide in maybe just one person but let some one, some ONE see the real you. Let loose, tell them how you feel, once you have something off your chest you'll feel amazing.

I promise I'm working on it so that you do not have problem doing it. I do have friends but I think of it and I realized that none of them knows everything about me. I need some time and a lot of courage to tell them everything. You know that I have a hard time coping with loss.

But yeah I'm working on accepting things just the way they are. And, more importantly, accepting people the way they are. You can be somebody's reason to change but you cannot change a person.

The only person who can help you is you yourself. In the process of helping others Maria, you forgot to help yourself. So for a change, help yourself. You give amazing advice anyway, your friends say so. Now move your lazy ass and save yourself.



The way I feel.......(#Wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now