"I Won't Hesitate For You..."

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Listen To: "Hesitate" by The Jonas Brothers
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

"Do you think you're ready for that?" Namjoon asks as he pulls his shirt over his head. I feel like a giddy teenage girl every time I see him. His beautiful, golden skin, his sculpted and toned chest. I am weak for this man. Weak I tell you. I stand there watching him, lost in him, completely forgetting what he asked me, until I feel his fingers lighting skimming my skin under my own shirt.

"Sorry, you're just, so fucking beautiful," I smile as I press my chest against his.

"Are you trying to change the subject?" He asks me as he pats my ass.

"Not at all. Um, I think i'm ready. It's been a year of us talking and getting to know each other. I really like him and he's such a good man," I tell him. He pulls me to sit on his lap on his bed.

Shortly after the whole incident with Zane, I spoke to the Private Investigator who told me that my biological father had been looking for me. To all of our surprise, my father was not the person my mother had told me he was. My father is a kind, loving, amazing man; he's a married, doctor of cardiology and he currently lives in New York City. He is Cuban and has 2 young boys. His wife is an esthetician and while I haven't met her or my half-brothers, they seem like a wonderful family. He met my mother when he was only 19 years old during a one night stand during his best friend's bachelor party. My mother was at the strip club they were at, working at the bar, and my father was a shy, nerdy guy, who enjoyed the attention of a beautiful woman. They hooked up and that was it; or so he thought.

I'm not sure if my mom lied to me about who my father was because she was in a long term relationship with the man I was told was my father and she didn't want to ruin that relationship, or if she just didn't think a one night stand could result in a pregnancy. But after the private investigator reached out to me, we had a DNA test done and sure enough, I'm 99.999% the daughter of Damian Carlos Aldana.

I spend the last almost year getting to know this man. We spoke weekly and during my two trips into the United States, we met and I genuinely enjoy him. He's incredibly smart, works super hard, and he is so open to getting to know me. He knows that I moved to Seoul for work and I've been a long term, very seriously committed relationship but, I haven't told him that I have 7 boyfriends. I'm ready to tell him though, ready for my father to be involved fully in my life and to have the family that I've always dreamed of.

"Do you not want to meet my Dad?" I ask him, worried that maybe it will be too much for him.

"No, that's not it Sweet Thing," he starts. "I just, I've never met a parent of someone i'm dating," he says with a nervous smile.

"Is my Joonie nervous?!" I sequel as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him, pushing us to lay on his bed. He wraps his arms around me tightly and pulls me in, his lips kiss the top of my head.

"I just want him to like us; want him to know that you mean absolutely everything to us and that we are going to take care of you for the rest of your life," he tells me.

"He will know that. He will meet you guys and will see how incredible you are. He will see how devastatingly in love I am with you all and will be so proud and so happy. I just know it," I tell him and I genuinely mean it. In the conversations I've had with my father, I know that he's open minded, accepting and so, so kind.

"I'm ready for you to meet him. I'm ready for him to come see where I live and what I do with my life," I continue. My father knows what I do for a living and he has never, not once, made me feel like he wants to use me. On the contrary, he encourages me and pushes me to do more. When I was in the US a few weeks ago, we met up for dinner and I told him about how I was wanting to open an agency and he encouraged me to do so. He asked me if there was anything he could do to help, if I needed financial support. Never in my life did I think that I could ever have that with a parents; that I could ever feel like I could have the support and love of family. So, as soon as I landed, I reached out to Sejin and started the process of setting up my agency.

My You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan): The Final Book in the 'Euphoria' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now