"I Can't Lose When I'm With You..."

768 33 38

Listen To: 'Snooze' by SZA
[Please, assume all conversations are in Korean]

Jimin and I spent hours looking at houses. We found 4 that we really liked and set up appointments to see them when we get back. It's a surreal feeling, knowing that we are looking for a space, a home, for us both. I almost get that feeling creeping in; like, am I going to have to be passed around from man to man, like Brotherhood of the Traveling Girlfriend vibes? But reassure myself that that's not the case at all.

"We can play foot volleyball tomorrow!" Jimin yells and I take a drink from my wine glass unable to hide the smile that spreads across my face as I watch them together.

We finished dinner and cameras have been turned off for the night. We're sitting around the dining room table, talking about the day and how nice it felt to be able to do absolutely nothing, all while trying to decide on tomorrow's activities and of course, what we are going to eat. I bring my eyes away from Jimin, across the table, where I can feel Yoongi staring at me. I wink at him and I see him raise an eye brow at me. Before I can even look away from him, I feel a foot, glide up my leg, settling in the space between my thighs and I get goosebumps.

I decided to taunt him right back by taking my foot, running it up his leg and then pressing against his crotch. I can feel that he's already, at least, semi-hard. I start to rub my foot between his legs and feel him growing harder beneath me.

"He's going to lose his mind if you keep playing with him like that," Namjoon whispers from my left. I look around the table and no one is really paying attention to us except for him. I continue to let my foot move, taunting Yoongi. I haven't spent much time with him recently and I miss him; I especially miss teasing him. My eyes go back to Yoongi and I can see the tension in his shoulders as he bites the inside of his cheek. I can tell I'm pushing my luck with him but watching him lose his seemingly never ending patience makes me giddy with excitement. I want him to lose his cool, to bend me over and punish me.

"He's going to snap," Namjoon whispers a warning to me. I smile across the table at Yoongi and he lets out a low groan that catches the attention of the rest of the table. I set my wine glass down on the table, push my chair back and make my way around the table and to where Yoongi is sitting. I pull his chair back, and let myself fall to my knees between his legs.

"You going to stop teasing me now baby girl?" He asks me. My hands go to the button of his pants as I undo them and let my hands pull him out. It's funny how comfortable and easy our relationships are around each other; we've always been open with each other but the fact that I can get down on my knees to pleasure Yoongi without worrying about who's watching or if i'm hurting their feelings, is so liberating. They encourage me to act on my feelings and I know they love to watch me be pleasured and give pleasure. Besides, how am I supposed to resist those beautiful brown eyes and that cocky smirk? I start to jerk him in my hand and it doesn't take long to feel him fully hard in my grip.

"You like when I tease you," I whine as I bring my face down to his lap, sitting on my legs so that he can get a full view of what I'm about to do to him. I let my breath hit his tip, not letting my lips touch him yet. I watch a shudder run through his body and then take him and tap his length against my mouth, spreading his precome across my swelled lips.

A sea of groans, whines, and expletives fill the air at the sight and I smile and lick my lips, knowing damn well that I'm pushing my luck.

"Such a damn tease," I hear a groan from across the table, knowing that it's Hoseok. He can't stand when I'm being a tease. If this were him, he would have pulled me up, bent me over the table and spanked me until my cheeks were bright red, and only then would he have let me sucked him off. I get shivers just thinking about it. I watch Yoongi push his hips up, begging for me to touch him, for me to do something, anything.

My You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan): The Final Book in the 'Euphoria' Trilogy.Where stories live. Discover now