Spooky Scary Story

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Attention! This chapter will have slight mentions of torture and . . . gore? Eh, not really, more-so brutality, but I do advise those who are uncomfortable with the topics to stop upon Cass taking the floor. Other than that, please enjoy!

Cass's POV

"Alright everyone settle down please." Ms. Alice says for everyone to quiet and turn to the front. "I have some very exciting news for you all."

"No midterm?"

"A field trip?"

"Class is canceled?"

"No no, something even better. Now as many of you know we learn a lot of Wonderland rhymes and such. Well, I recently have discovered that there will be a big music festival happening in Wonderland soon. The festival is said to last all day with many amazing performances."

"You mean they have actual singers there?" A guy called Adam chuckles for me to glare at him, "Do they just make up songs on the spot?"

"No, but it is better than just singing bad remixes of songs from the older generations." I huff for him to turn to me.

"Children." Ms. Alice says before he could comment. "I'm sure you are aware that there are many kinds of music, and no wrong way to make it. Now, I have spoken to Fairy Godmother, and she has agreed to let us watch the live stream of the festival."

"So, we'll only get to see an hour of it?" I question feeling my ears fall back.

"Actually, I had also spoken to her about that, and she says anyone that wishes to stay for longer will be excused." She pauses as the class goes into excited murmurs, "However, she wishes that anyone who attends the festival for the whole day, writes a two-page response to it." A few kids groan, which is fair, papers are awful.

"In the papers you will write, what you enjoyed, what you found odd, and what you learnt about Wonderland culture. Now that that's taken care of let's get on with today's lesson." She says for the class to groan. She chuckles.

"Yes, however, it won't be a normal lesson. Since Halloween will be here soon, I decided that we should look at some of the different legends that Wonderland has."

"Like what? Scary rabbits?" Adam chuckles for me to glare at him.

"You really need to read the book."

"Oh yeah, how bout you name some since you know everything?" He huffs for me to shrug.

"Sure, there's the tale of Trailer Tom, Splinter-head Spike, the radio incident, Moose Manor, and Bridget Bridge."

"What's that one about?" Lonnie questions for me to look to Ms. Alice.

"You may have the floor, Cassandra." She says for me to turn to cat mode and teleport to the chalk board.

"Well, many years ago, back before the Queen of hearts, or even my Grandfather, Cheshire the Third was born. Wonderland was very different." I grab a piece of chalk with my tail and begin drawing on the board.

"The Royal family only owned a small portion of the land. Everywhere else were war zones, fought over for different resources. One of these groups, the Ajer-foppas, they were at war with the Dewkans for one specific river. The Ajers having the upper hand by controlling the only bridge across."

"Thought we were hearing a scary story, not a history lesson." Adam complains for me to eye him.

"You gotta know the history to understand what's happening." I state before continuing.

"One cold night, a Dewkan cat was rushing through the forest. A swarm of berries chasing after her. The Dewkan had heard about the threat from the Ajers, but knew the bridge was her only chance to escape."

"Couldn't she just swim across the river?" Seth questioned for me to chuckle.

"Funny thing about Dewkans, they couldn't swim. Even if they could, they wouldn't have survived the river. Krakenettes littered the bottom of it. Threatening to devour any creature who dared step in. Therefore, the cat took her chances with the bridge." I set down the chalk and hop to Ms. Alice's desk.

"Unbeknownst to the Dewkan cat, the berries stopped upon smelling the scent of glint-salt, a common sweetner that's poisonous to them. With her heart daring to escape her chest, the Dewkan ran across the bridge." I walk towards the window, looking out at the forest.

"The pour thing didn't make it halfway before she was surrounded by Ajers. Upon seeing the necklace, they demanded to know if she was a spy. She defended herself and begged to be released. However, the Ajers weren't known to be merciful, and decided it best to make an example out of the queen." I glance at the class then to Ms. Alice, "Fair warning, this next part gets a bit gory."

"Simply put, they tied her limbs down before heating a long metal rod. Thrusting it into her back. They then set to slicing down her spine before using their teeth to remove each organ, leaving only two. Her heart and her brain." I take a breath.

"The Dewkans heard the screams, of course, and desperately came running. However, due to their camp being so far off, it still gave the Ajers time. They set to dismembering the Dewkan, first her digits, then limbs. Then finally ended her suffering by removing her head, and when the Dewkan army arrived, dumped the pieces into the river, never to be seen again."

"My goodness." Someone says as I peer out the window.

"Okay, but where does the legend come in at?" Adam huffs for me to chuckle.

"Well, now is when we get to the fun part." I close my eyes turning my head down, "You see, that night the Ajer's attacked the pour queen, they had not removed her heart from the torso. Therefore, it sunk with it, under the bridge, and so her spirit stayed there." I stand and walk to the center of the desk.

"They say her soul mixed with the glint-salt allowing it to take on a new form," I pause, sitting, "Her eyes," I open mine, "turned bloodshot, her teeth razors." I smile as I feel my teeth turn.

"Fur matted and tattered," I roll over and put my back towards them, "And though a spirit, they say you could still hear the bones when she would spin her head 190 degrees," I slowly turn mine. Letting the bones be heard popping. Some of the students gagged, gripping their desks.

"And if she ever is to spot you while near the bridge, she'll let out a horrendous shriek. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!" I shriek for them to cover their ears. "Then she'll slowly disappear into the darkness, awaiting you to cross." I slowly disappear and watch as everyone begins looking around for me.

"They say only the stupidest have dared touch the bridge. Each leaving with one less part of themselves. It said that Bridget sews the parts onto her, so that when she has a new body, she can hunt down the last of the Ajers, and get her revenge."

"But that's just the story I've heard." I say, popping back to my desk, making some kids jump. "Some say she'll chase you. Some say she'll detach her arms to grab you. It depends on how the county tells the story. In fact, I think the Ruby Home in the book was told by someone from the Club county."

"Eh hem." Ms Alice pauses, "Yes, um, well why don't we take a look at that story? This time without visuals." Hehehe, guess I scared them.

Well, looks like Poetry's going to get into the Halloween spirit. Will Cass bring more spooky stories to the class? Has she decided what she will be for the Haunted Holiday? Stay tuned to find out!

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