Clan information

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Hello everyone I have some here to share some information about Lo'ak and Iva clan here, at I have been thinking about for a while now. I might break this into multiple parts as I'm still working on most of the information and I don't have, all the knowledge about everything yet. If there is anything I don't mention in this information section please comment below and I will give more information and details next time.


First communication  - like all the other clans around pandora that babies of the clan once they are older will make their first communication with eywa with their families there and the tshaik, as the whole clan watches it happen singing and giving prays. As the new member of their clan make their first connection with the great mother.

Lights of eywa - a festival that is held in the mountains of the clan home where the whole clan will go, and watch the night sky light up. There will be music and dancing that will happen that night along with games being played among the people as well.

Festival of fire - at the end of each year the clan will hold a grand festival with the other clans near by would gather together, as celebrate the end of new year and the welcome of new year as well. Many fires will be set as everyone gathers around them and dance, navi made fireworks will be shot in the sky later on in the night. Dance around the fires will happen during other events for the clan as well with drums beats and singing as well.

Rights of passage - there are many rights of passage like with any other clans on pandora, the first one that take place for everyone will be getting their mask that will be crafted and customized over the years along with their song chords that reflect the milestones in their life.first flight will happen once a navi has come to age and proven themselves to their families and clan leaders, they will get their own flying companions and make the bond. Once the bond is mind the bow od them will be bonded for life.


Meat - meat as a big part of the clan diet so they will either get the meat form the creatures. they hunt and make sure to use everything and let nothing go to waste. Hunting will be done by the hunters and families as they will bring back what they caught for their meals. Meat was allowed to dry out and made into jerky that was a snack or meal for when someone was away from the clan.

Vegetable- vegetables were another part of the clan that was either grown in their village or gathered. These vegetables could be cooked in many ways when to comes to eating them, it was either steam, roasted, or eaten raw matter on the person. The vegetable took longer care and growing times, vegetables had been used in multiple dishes for a healthy balanced meal.

Fruit - the fruits are grown and gathered just like vegetables, but had been grow a bit away from the vegetables to balance everything out and for space. These fruits were either sweet or sour and could be used for eating or drinking. Some of the sour fruits were used in drinks served during meals along water and festivals times as well. The fruits would be eat raw and without any cooking need to them.

Fish - fish were another way of getting protein for the clean and would be fished by everyone in the clan. Fish was either fried and grilled when or came to eating it, it was bowls served raw for the creatures to eat. When the clan was not hunting they will be fish for the time being find, ways of cooking fish and making them into people.

Bugs - bugs are other way of protein for the clan and many other clan as well. Bugs were either used for eating or as bait when it came to hunting or fishing. Bugs seemed to be mostly used a bait or when eating the creatures companion of the clan.

Navi abilities

As we all know that clans of pandora all have their own abilities when it comes to the region, they live in well it the same for loak clan as well.

Better night version - with them leaving in a place that can be freezing cold for months on end, they have adapted better night vision over the years. This night vision has had them survive, predators, and having better hunting.

Surviving cold and hot climates - as their home can get very cold it can also be warm and hot, at times and mostly in some part of the inland regions. So they navi have been able to learn of way to survive these types of climates over the many centuries. Even using cold and heat to help with their warrior training.

Movement - while leaving in climate of snow and with snow making sounds when someone moves at times, that Navi have been able to learn how to walk lightly without making a sound. Even being able to move quickly in snow with it holding them back.

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