Chapter 20

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Silence had filled the room as Loak was looking at his brother and his old friends, it seems like everyone was watching everything that was going down at the moment. Neteyam and the others couldn't believe what they were seeing, loak was alive and right in front of them. He was standing right here and speaking with them, but it felt like it was a dream. Neteyam wanted to know if this was real or just a dream.

Loak " wow lost for words and here i thought, you will be saying more or at least ...." Before loak could say anything else, neteyam soon got up and hugged his brother. He brought loak into a tight hug he finally knew his brother was real and alive.

Neteyam " you are really here you are really alive and well, I thought I will never see you again" neteyam was holding on his baby as if he will disappear if he let go of him, neteyam soon let go of Lo'ak and was soon holding his arm looking a5 him with tears in his eyes.

Neteyam " I'm so happy to see you it been so long baby brother"

Lo'ak " yes is has been so long"

Aye " I don't mean to ruin this touching family moment but we should keep this meeting going"

Neteyam " oh yes sorry" Lo'ak and neteyam soom sat down neteyam and everyone were looking at Lo'ak like they were in a dream, they were finally seeing the boy they had been looking for was finally back with them and he was no longer gone.

Aye " so it seems like you have archive your goals on finding your brother"

Neteyam " yes"

Feyya " yes but why does it seem like you all have come here seeking out something else"

Aonung " we might need help as well we have been overwhelmed my RDA that have return we don't know if you have ..."

Aye " we know enough about them from our own experiences and the experience of Lo'ak as well he has helped us"

Spider " wow dude that amazing your dad will be so proud of you"

Lo'ak " yes"

Aye " so have you all come here seeking out aid from the RDA"

Neteyam " yes we need the help"

Aye " this will need to be decided on to see if you all can stay here but Lo'ak can speak on your behalf to see, his words will help convince many others"

Aonung " Lo'ak"

Lo'ak " I say we should help them as it the will of eywa and it seems like the great mother has help them get here, and turning them away will be shameful... we will these four until they can get in connect with everyone else"

Aye " I will speak with the elders in the morning they will give their thoughts as well, you four are lucky that I highly respect Lo'ak you all will be able t0 stay here and learn our ways"

Rotox " wait how are we going to get home and what of our creatures"

Feyya " you creatures are being attended you but sad news is that your might not be able to get home, for a while as storm has rolled in and it will be bad if we send you out"

Iva " there is also now way to get pass the storm aways and it seems like it might last a couple days or week, the human stuff you brought can be fixed but it might take some time"

Spider " our com links that the only way we can get on connect with everyone"

Lo'ak " don't worry there was one human stuff I have collect over the years we can find a way, to get on connect with everyone else but it might take a couple days ... if you are fine with the wait"

Neteyam " we are fine with the wait... right everyone"

The others " yes"

Aonung " we are hoping we can learn as well like Lo'ak"

Upix " that will take a miracle from the great mother herself of you are going to learn way here and adapt"

Spider " what do you mean by that buddy"

Iva " I think upix means that while you are here there are many things you will need to adapt for, and when the rest of your clan comes they will need to learn to adapt as well"

Spider " thank you kid o really like you"

Feyaa " Iva is right the time of you all adapt will not be easy as you all might be out of your elements, it was not easy for Lo'ak but we will see in time that you four and the other will learn our ways"

Neteyam " thank you all for allow us to stay"

Aye " you are welcome"

Aonung " when will we see your faces"

Aye " you will see our faces tomorrow morning the only faces you have seen today our my mother, Lo'ak, and Iva ... we will show your our faces tomorrow as it getting late and you will meet the rest of our clan later as well" the four males had nodded their heads and respect the olo'eythans wishes.

Feyaa " you all will be staying here for the night and maybe for the rest of your stay"

Neteyam " we promise to be respectful guests"

Lo'ak " I hope so as you will be staying in my home" all four males were looking at Lo'ak after he said that this was his house, but they thought this home at some connection with the child. The others were thinking iva said that just ti mess with them.

Feyaa " we will leave you all from here we will see you all tomorrow" soon everyone else has left the home jab had given them more soup to eat, but they were all surprise to see Iva was still here wouldn't her family be worried about her.

Lo'ak " Iva it time for you to head to bed you been busy all day I don't wish for you to tried yourself out"

Iva " but I wish to stay and ..."

Lo'ak " you can help our tomorrow kiddo now head off to bed and we will speak more about this in the morning"

Iva " yes I understand good night everyone" all four males looked shocked when Iva had hugged Lo'ak good night and he hugged her goodnight, she soon walked into one of the room at was her bedroom door and closed the door behind her. They were all looked at Lo'ak now what was really going on here maybe Iva had become Lo'ak family while he was here and that why they had a close bond.

Lo'ak " I will be staying out here with you all tonight to make sure you all our okay"

Neteyam " sure and maybe we can caught up on everything we missed in last seven years or less since been separated"

Lo'ak " we can talk for a while until we need to rest as the council will be meeting you all tomorrow, and we need to make sure you all are ready to meet them and the rest of the clan if you are going to plea to stay here longer and ask for refugee for everyone else"

Aonung " yes we understand"

Lo'ak " good i will tell you of what has happened since I last saw you all but not everything, until I know I cam trust you all again and feel comfortable"

Spider " we understand dude and we will respect your wish and we will respect Iva wish as well ... she a very nice kid and you and her have a good relationship it good you found a friend or sister here"

Neteyam " hey maybe we can make her a official sully mom and dad will love that and she will make a great sister"

Lo'ak " sure we will have and wait and see"

Neteyam " Lo'ak" the group had talked a bit longer until everyone else had fallen asleep all expected the two brothers as they were still awake.

Lo'ak " yes"

Neteyam " it good to have you back baby brother I missed you"

Lo'ak " I missed you as well" soon both brother had fallen asleep Lo'ak knew the next couple days were going to be hard and he soon had to tell the other about Iva being his daughter but he will tell them all the truth when he was ready, not when they were ready. It was his time to take control of his life and he was not going to let everyone from his past to take apart of life because they didn't like they way he was living his life at the moment.

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