Moms (mom x female reader) part 2 (1/2)

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TW: Screaming, being called retarded, bullying
Maya x Carina (Marina)

Carina = mama
Maya = mon/mommy

Maya's POV

A few years ago, me and Carina adopted a preteen girl, Y/n, she has been through so much and is the sunshine in our life and me and Carina both know she has needs, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and... snap and today was one of those sometimes.

***2 hours before***

Y/n's POV

"Hey mama" I say while exiting highschool seeing her waiting for me
"Hi bambina! How was school?" She says while giving me little pecks on my cheeks

Should I tell her about the girls saying those things to me... no, it doesn't matter, she and mom are really busy anyway.

"I think it went well"  i say trying to look her in the eye so she doesn't know I'm lying.

When we get home, I go to my room and pull out my human anatomy homework

Why is this so complicated, I don't understand, this, but this was the, no this was, what does that mean, where is the page again for that?

*an hour later*

I'm still staring at the same page, mom came home around 30 mins ago, she came in my room to say hi. I faintly hear mama and mom arguing but I know it's shouldn't get involved in it. I walk out of my room walking towards the arguing as a see mom leaning against the wall back faced to me arguing with mama hiding her face in her palm whispering Italian nonsense.

"Mom?" I say quietly not wanting to interrupt mom
"Mama?" I say a bit louder this time which they both respond to turning looking at me
"What do you need again Y/n?" Mom replies, she doesn't usually call me by my first name usually she calls me a nickname, but maybe she is angry.
"I-I-I need m-mama's help-p with h-h-homework..." i stutter looking down guiltily for interrupting
"Can't you just be smart for on e and not need our help?!" She says raising her voice this time
"Retarded" I hear mom whisper

My heart drops to my stomach looking up to see mama with her mouth agape and mom covering her face with her hand in disappointment, i feel pale, am I pale?

"Maya!" Mama screams at mom

I'm standing there frozen, I probably look stupid

"Bambina, go to your room, I'll come help you with your homework in a moment"

I am staring at mom, not moving, numb

I see her guilty eyes looking back at my teary ones

I suddenly burst out in tears

"I'm sorry mommy! I didn't mean to bother you and mama, I'm sorry!" I say in between sobs
"No no no bubs, it's my fault I'm sorry, mommy is tired" she runs to me and goes down to my height holding my cheeks in her hands
"Why did you even adopt me?!" I shout out which took not only mommy and mama but myself by surprise

I rip off mommy's hand from my face and run to the bathroom, where is the only place with a lock on the door, which I lock

Sorry for the short chapter been busy w/ school starting again
Will try to post the other part of this ASAP
Don't ever be scared to request anything!
(If anything it will help me lol!"
Stay safe and hydrate and nourish your beautiful bodies!!! <3 <3 <3

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