You're losing me (Maya Bishop x Y/n) (Partners)

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A/N :

Yes... this is after a Taylor Swift song... 🫡

AND yes it is kinda depressing so

TW: Not feeling loved, being replaced, sad in general :)

Btw, y'all are all so loved by me and your family and loved ones all around you :)


Y/n's POV

Me and Maya have been dating for a few years now, well exactly 5 today, though I don't think Maya has yet to notice that. She has been hanging out with her... friend, Carina, don't get me wrong, Carina is a nice person, she's thoughtful and anybody would be lucky to have her, I just hope it's not my girlfriend.

To explain : For the first few years, me and Maya were awesome, fantastic even, we met at Station 19 and it was love at first sight. That was until, Maya and I got into an argument and she went to the bar, she came back a little drunk, but she was different, next thing you know we go camping, because Captain Bishop gets to do whatever she wants to do!

Next thing you know, bear attack, boom, guy looses his nose, Maya brings it to the hospital, few days of more tension and then she comes back with a new best friend. Then, there I am, happy for my gf, who now doesn't give any sort of attention and I would be fine with less attention, Maya loved me so much, but this was barely touching me, not even looking at me, well she looked at me, just not the same way, today was the day I had enough.


I open the door slowly, not wanting bother Carina and Maya, because I saw Carina's car in the driveway. I close the door, hang up my jacket and right when I start to turn towards our bedroom where they usually are to greet them I decide to say

"Bubs I'm home!"

Right as I turn the corner I see them push away from each other, both messy haired and out of breath.

I let out a breathy laugh

"I fucking knew it!" I say while still chuckling
"Y/n it's not what you think it it!" Maya says getting up walking towards me and Carina now flushed and standing in the corner.

I push Maya then wipe lipstick off her neck while pushing her back

"Then what the fuck is this"
"No, let me guess you kissed yourself on the neck-"
"Oh wait! It's not your shade of lipstick it's fucking Carina's" I say pushing Maya back while she's still trying to move forward.

I see Carina walk towards me and restrain my arms and whisper into my ear

"I'm so very sorry, bambina, I never meant it to get this far"

Then letting go of me and leaving, I hear her car drive off, then I crumble down onto the floor, tears flowing unwillingly.

"W-why?!" I manage to choke out
"Don't honey me Maya! Just explain!" I say trying to dry my tears and keeping myself from letting more leave my eyes

"I don't know Y/n!"
"Just- just tell me what happened, how it started"
"It- it was the night of our fight, when I went to the bar, that's when I first met Carina, I was drunk and she was just so sweet and nice and warm-
"MAYA! i said explain the story not tell me about how perfect Carina is!"

She takes a breath before continuing

"So, the next time we met, it was at the hospital, we exchanged numbers and started talking, we were such close friends then, we both got drunk and we slept together, while you were on duty and then it just didn't stop, but then I started having feelings for her and she told me she had feeling for me and- and I guess that was it"

"For fucks sakes Maya!" I saw sliding my back down the wall

"Okay Y/n! Now don't start acting like the victim here! You did stuff too!"
"Sure, Maya, explain to me! I would love to hear what I did so bad to hurt you!"
"You were working so much I felt like there was no one to love me, nobody's warmth to keep me comfy, but... Carina's"
"I started working hard because you told me that I was one of the most lazy firefighters you've ever met Maya!" I said tears stinging my eyes again

"Well! It's not my fault you're a pathological people pleaser Y/n!"

"Maya, don't you understand, I wanted to marry you have kids with YOU"

"Y/n, I know this will hurt, but I don't and I neither, i think ever, once wanted to marry you."

A mixture of a gasp and a whimper comes out of my lips as I throw the velvet box out of my pocket, making the beautiful diamond bring fall out of it as I turn around and say

"I wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser"

"No wait Y/n! I'm sorry! Please Y/n I didn't mean it!"
"Maya don't you understand, my heart won't start for you anymore!"
"Y/n! Please!"
"What!" Maya responds with tears flowing down her cheeks
"What do you want me to do Y/n!, do something, babe, say something!"

I lock eyes with Maya's crystal blue ones

"Lose something, babe, risk something, choose something, babe!" I choke out
"I got nothing to believe, unless you're choosin' me"
"What?" Maya says confused
"Me or Carina?"

I sit there for a moment before Maya looks at me with tears in her eyes and I kiss her cheek

"I don't understand!" Maya screams
"I know you don't" I hug Maya kiss her temple before leaving our house


It's been a long time ;)

How are y'all?

Sad chapter, buuuuuut I love it tbh :) and I am proud of it !

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