Chapter 2

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Izzy: Jace brought a mundane back to the institute. It was the same one from last night.

Alec glared at his phone. He wasn't sure whether he was angry because Jace had brought a mundane to the institute or because Jace had brought the same mundane who had messed up their mission.

Alec: Why?

Izzy: She got attacked by a Ravener demon, according to Jace. She's in the infirmary. Where are you anyway? You never came home last night?

Alec: I'll be there soon

"Do you have to dart off this morning, or can I tempt you to some breakfast from Paris?" Magnus said, rolling over and wrapping his arm around Alec's abdomen.

"Breakfast sounds nice," Alec whispered, turning around in Magnus's arms and cuddling closer to his boyfriend.

"You know, to get breakfast, we will need to get up, don't you" Magnus laughed as Alec tried to bury himself into Magnus' chest.

"... but I'm comfortable here, Mags," Alec whined, looking up at his boyfriend with his best impression of puppy dog eyes which he could muster. Magnus sighed, and Alec grinned, knowing that he had won.

"Fine, we can stay like this for.... Huh, is that my phone? Who would message me this early in the morning?" Magnus said before removing himself from Alec and reaching to the bedside table to grab his phone. Alec glared at the inferable piece of technology who dared ruin his morning as he sat beside Magnus and looked over Magnus' shoulder to read the message. It was from Catarina.

Catarina: Hi Magnus and Alec (I'm assuming that Alec is with you when isn't he), I have received a message from Meliorn. They are assembling the downworlder council for an hour's time. Apparently, they have something they need to discuss with the council. See you there.

"well, there goes my lie-in," Alec said, shoving the duvet off his body and pushing himself up off the bed before walking over to the wardrobe and grabbing the nearest clothes of his that he could reach.

"I'm going to have a quick shower before breakfast," Alec told Magnus after he got all his clothes.

"Would you like me to join you?" Magnus teased, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"No, Magnus, I would actually like to have a quick shower for one in my life," Alec laughed, pushing the bedroom door open and headed towards the bathroom when he heard Magnus shout.

"What are you trying to say, Lightwood!".

Alec decided it would be wise to wear his black t-shirt and jeans, considering he would have to leave to go to the institute after the downworlder council session had finished; on his ring finger, Alec wore the High Mage of Brooklyn ring, which he used to sign any agreements the downworlders made. The council room was in a warehouse downtown which had been glamoured to look abandoned and to keep both mundanes and any shadowhunters who didn't have expressed permission to enter away from the meetings. After all, except for Alec, shadowhunters weren't exactly welcomed among the downworlders. A large oval table was in the centre of the room, with chairs surrounding it. Meliorn and Raphael were already present when Alec and Magnus arrived; they took their seats in their usual spot and waited for the last representative to arrive.

"Meliorn, what did you wish to see us for?" Raphael questioned, looking over at the Seelie with an unimpressed look.

"We have received word from our scouts that the circle has sent out a message to all their members to capture all warlocks they find and bring them to Valentine's. Apparently, a warlock made a potion for some woman he has. This potion has rendered her unconscious; he's trying to find the warlock who gave it to her so they can reverse it," Meliorn explained.

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