Chapter 18

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Waiting was the worst part for Alec, waiting for something to happen for Magnus to appear or Valentine to return. He returned to the cage, locking himself up just in case Valentine came back first, which was lucky because as the lock clicked shut, Valentine walked through the laboratory doors.

"Your so-called husband keeps proving my points; for someone who you claim loves you, he isn't in a rush to get you back," Valentine said as he walked over, a large smirk stretched across his face.

"What do you mean?" Alec said. Valentine walked around the cage, his eyes surveying him, making the hairs on Alec's arms stand on edge. He didn't like the way Valentine stared at him, as if he already had plans to use Alec against the Downworld.

"I sent him a fire message, telling him where to meet should he want you back; he didn't show; my followers waited the whole night for any sign of the warlock, but nothing," Valentine said, stopping at the door to the cage, his hand wrapped around the bars, "Does it hurt knowing how much you've deluded yourself into believing a downworlder could love you, were you that desperate for love that you threw yourself at the first thing to show any interest in you."

"Why would I dirty myself with your followers when I can come for my husband myself." Alec's heart jumped for joy at the familiarity of the voice. Valentine frowned before turning around; there stood Magnus in full glory beside Jace, Izzy, Raphael and Simon.

"Bane," Valentine said. Magnus raised his hand to silence Valentine, shooting a glare at the Shadowhunter as his eyes caught Alec's. Relief flooded through Alec at the sight of his husband. He knew Magnus would always come to get him, but seeing him standing there meant more than Alec could imagine.

"Mags," Alec said, desperately wanting to cling to his husband, wrapped up in the safety of Magnus' arms and never leave them again.

"Alexander," Magnus said, sending shivers down Alec's spine and the sound Magnus' voice made whenever he said Alec's full name. Alec hated being called Alexander; it was the name he associated with whenever he was in trouble with his parents. However, there was something different whenever Magnus said it; Alec could always hear love and affection in Magnus' voice as he said, Alexander.

Magnus pulled out his blade; he knew he'd have to fight Valentine to save his husband and protect the Downworld. Valentine couldn't be left alive, not after every crime he's committed against the Downworld and especially not after kidnapping his Alexander.

"Do you think you can fight me, Warlock," Valentine sneered as he drew his seraph blade.

Magnus raised an eyebrow, raising his blade and charged. Valentine fumbled for a second, taken by surprise, before steadying himself and fighting back; their blades clashed. The plan was simple: they must distract Valentine long enough to free Alexander and get Jocelyn. Magnus, Jace and Izzy were in charge of fighting Valentine, whilst Raphael and Simon dealt with Jocelyn, Alexander and any circle member who might join the fight.

Slashing his blade, Magnus aimed at Valentine's side, but the blade only just blocked before he struck again, this time going for his leg. Valentine hissed as Magnus sliced a deep cut on Valentine's leg.

"To cowardly to use your magic against me," Valentine spat out. Magnus didn't respond; instead, he continued his attack with Jace and Izzy joining in. Magnus ducked as Izzy pushed Valentine back, and Jace slashed, cutting Valentine's side. The shadowhunter charged at Jace; Izzy swung her whip out, wrapping it around Valentine's leg, pulling his legs out from underneath him. Valentine swung his leg out, tripping Jace over before grabbing the whip, yanking at it, dragging it out of Izzy's hand and throwing it to the side. Magnus kneed Valentine in the face as he tried to stand up, knocking him back down.

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