Chapter 15

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If this had been an anime, Clary would have had steam coming from her ears. She's never felt so humiliated in her whole life as she did in this moment. Simon, the guy whose been following her around like a lost puppy for years, strode out of the meeting room, his fingers interlaced with Raphael - the vampire who kidnapped him, the creature who traumatised him. Now, Raphael is showing Simon off like a prized possession. To think Simon's fallen to a new all-time low, to think she let him go around telling people they were best friends and yes, once Clary might've considered Simon her best friend before she found out the truth of the world and learnt her true calling. She's a shadowhunter on a mission to save her mother from her psychotic father. If anything, Jace is probably her best friend, maybe Isabelle, if she got over mourning the loss of Alec. She's acting as if he died instead of betraying everyone and running away at the first sign of trouble, how he was allowed to work as temporary head of the Institute whilst his parents were away was beside her; Alec never seemed to know what he was doing, sprouting bullshit to get his way.

"Simon," Clary snapped, crossing her arms against her chest. Simon turned away from whatever conversation he was having with Raphael to look at her. Good, at least he still responded to her; maybe there was still a chance to turn him back into that mindless pawn. Holding onto every word, she said like she was God.

"Hi, Fray," Simon said, dismissing Raphael and walking to her.

"What the hell, Simon, Raphael of all people," she snapped, grabbing Simon's arm and pulling him back inside the now empty meeting room. Simon pulled his arm out of her grasp and moved away, not that she cared, as it allowed her to shut the door and stand in front of it, blocking Simon's only exit. They were having this long-overdue conversation about whether Simon wanted to or not.

"What do you want, Fray? I've not got time for this," Simon said.

"I think it's time you understood the damage you've done, Simon. This is my world, and you're trespassing in it," Clary said, her eyes narrowing, "I didn't want you here; I don't want you here. This is my world, mine! I belong here, not you! I'm the shadowhunter, not you and yet, it's like you couldn't leave me alone for a minute without sticking your nose into business that didn't include you. The Shadowworld is no place for the mundane; Jace said this; even Alec told you that you weren't welcome here, but no, you couldn't possibly leave me alone for a second and now look. You one of those downworlders, a blood-sucking vampire and..."

Clary's mouth hung open when Simon started laughing, his shoulders violently shaking, his arms wrapped around his stomach as he laughed.

"I've never met someone so self-centred than you," Simon said once he got himself under control. A lazy smirk graced his lips. "Oh, My name's Clary Fray, My life's tragically turned upside down now, and now I'm desperately trying to find my mother by forcing others to do everything for me, and how dare Simon Lewis look out for his friend, especially as he wants to help her navigate the Shadowworld for the first time."

"I-I don't sound like that," Clary screamed, her fists shaking.

"You so do. Listen, Clary, I've hung around this long because I cared for my friend, and now, I'm so over you. I always suspected that you're self-centred, but this is another level. All you care about is yourself and how you can use people for your own gain, and I can't believe I was ever in love with you; I was obsessed with you, worshipped everything you did and for what? To be thrown aside the second something new and exciting comes your way," Simon said, crossing his arms across his chest with a look of amusement on his face. Clary didn't say anything; she couldn't, staring at Simon, mouth hung open she'd never seen him like this.

"You love me," Clary said, a feeling of disgust washed over her at the thought of someone like Simon loving her.

"Loved. Past tense, I don't love you, hell I don't even like you as a person anymore," Simon said, and it felt like he'd slapped her across the face with his words. How dare Simon fall out of love? She's the best thing that's happened to him ever.

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