Chapter 3

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Alec hated Mundanes. Clary had woken up three days after she came in and demanded that the institute help her find her mother. Jace seemed to agree to help her without consulting either Alec or Isabelle. And if that wasn't bad, she had to bring her mundane friend Simon into all of this, which led to him being kidnapped by vampires. Isabelle was distracting the vampires whilst Clary and Jace tried to find Simon. Alec had disappeared from Izzy and had found Lily, a vampire and friend.

"I heard that shadowhunters had come looking for that mundane didn't expect the high mage of Brooklyn would be with them," Lily said as she jumped from the floor above.

"Yes, I would love to be at home with Mags at the moment, but Miss Fray desperately wanted her mundane friend back, so I'm here to prevent her from getting herself killed or turned; she would be a nightmare vampire, and I don't want you to deal with that. I'm just here for the mundane, and that's it," Alec explained.

"He is up with Raphael, you know where. Hurry, Alec, this mundane is digging himself a grave with all the talking he is done; I doubt Raphael will last any longer before he loses it," Lily answered, grinning as if she knew something Alec didn't. Alec gave Lily a look before walking past her and continuing upstairs.

Clary and Jace weren't having much luck. The hotel was huge, and there had been no sign of Simon anywhere.

"Where could Simon be? Do you think we're wrong? They didn't bring Simon here," Clary said, clearly worried about her best friend. She didn't know what these vampires could have been doing to him.

"Raphael belongs to this clan; your mundane friend will be here," Jace said, trying to reassure Clary, but he wasn't sure whether it was working. She still looked concerned as they made their way through the hotel.

Alec approached the main reception room, where he believed the vampires were holding Simon when he first heard some noises. He stopped outside the door, looking around in case vampires attacked. After all, Alec was a shadowhunter, but Alec knew most of the clan, which should prevent anyone from attacking him personally, the others not so much. Plus, he had another suspicion of what the noises could be – moaning, specifically Simon, and not the painful moans.

Alec slowly pushed the door open and peered inside. He found Simon straddling Raphael on the sofa, and the couple were making out heavily, which could shame both Magnus and Alec. Alec leaned against the doorway and waited, wondering whether Raphael would notice his presence. After a few minutes, he realised they were too absorbed with each other to realise he was there.

"Sorry to interrupt. Do you want me to leave you and come back in an hour," Alec said, causing the pair to jump apart. Simon's face was flushed, and Alec was sure if Raphael had any circulation, he would look equally bad.

"Alec," both Raphael and Simon said in surprise.

"I came here to save the mundane, but apparently, he doesn't need saving, so I'll just leave," Alec said, backing out the door.

"No, I'm coming; Clary's probably worried," Simon shouted, clambering to his feet and chasing after Alec with Raphael trailing behind.

"Don't you dare say anything to Magnus!" Raphael said, glaring at Alec. All Alec did was smile sweetly and follow a deeply embarrassed Simon down the stairs and straight into Clary and Jace.

"Simon" Clary shouted, wrapping her arms around the mundane who returned the sentiment. Relief flooded Clary's face as she finally relaxed after getting her best friend back.

"How did you find him?" Jace asked, glaring at Alec suspiciously, obviously not believing that Alec had just stumbled across Simon. Jace obviously wanted to impress Clary by finding and saving her mundane friend from the vampires, which was now ruined by Alec, considering Alec already knew the layout of the hotel and all the vampires which made finding a mundane easier; of course, not that any other the shadowhunters knew that.

"Oh, you know he was a little tongue-tied. We should probably go. I think we may have overstayed our welcome," Alec said before leading the group out of the hotel. Izzy was waiting outside already; Alec could get a message to her about finding Simon and told her to get out of the hotel.

"I have dealt with four obnoxious clients who have all demanded love potion of all things. Not that it's hard to make them. Sometimes, I get bored with these mundanes. After all, can't they try to make people fall in love with them without using some simple potion? Sorry, I'm rambling. How has your day been, Alexander," Magnus complained the second Alec got through the front door; Magnus was sitting on the sofa with a cocktail in his hand.

"Don't ask," Alec grumbled. He practically flopped onto Magnus and rested his head on Magnus' chest.

"That bad. Let me guess, Miss Fray had something to do with it," Magnus said, running a hand up and down Alec's back.

"She got a mundane kidnapped by the New York vampire clan and practically stormed in after them to get him back. I know this girl could lead us to the mortal cup, but I might strangle her before we find it," Alec replied, adding, "What's happening with the warlocks? Have we contacted them?"

"Yes, I sent them all a message and gave them from tomorrow morning to arrive at the apartment, which would give them enough time to get the word out to others and sort their stuff out. It also means we have the entire apartment to ourselves for one more night," Magnus said whilst raising his eyebrows suggestively. A smile broke out on Alec's face when he realised what Magnus was suggesting.

"Well then, what are we doing lying here," Alec said, jumping up from the sofa and pulling Magnus up before dragging his boyfriend to their bedroom. 

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