Chapter 13

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Alec stood before two large wooden doors with symbols he didn't recognise. Beyond the door, Alec knew Magnus waited for him, with Raphael, Catarina and Simon acting as their witnesses. The doors slowly opened, and Ragnor stepped out wearing his warlock robes and his feet bare. Magnus hasn't told him much about the ceremony, wanting to keep most of it a surprise. It was recently revealed that Ragnor would officiate the ceremony instead of Magnus, who Alec thought would. Apparently, it strengthens the bond between the couple; if another does it, then the couple themselves.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, before you enter the binding area, you must first declare your intent," Ragnor spoke.

"I, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, High Mage of Brooklyn, declare my intent to willingly bind myself with Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn. I understand the severity of the bond and that it cannot be undone," Alec started, "I understand and accept the responsibility that comes with bonding myself to a warlock, the magic, and the immortality. As the High Mage, I will strive to support my husband in every aspect of our life together."

"Proceed," Ragnor said as he turned around and headed through the doors with Alec. The room took Alec's breath away. The floor was covered with a thin layer of fog, the ceiling bewitched to show the night sky, stars twinkling. The walls are covered with a tree, its branches stretching towards... memories. Each one from distinct moments of Magnus and his relationship. The meeting at the institute when Magnus came to strengthen the wards to Magnus asking Alec out on a date after sleeping together for months. Every moment of their relationship from the last four years is displayed for them to see. For a second, Alec wishes he could stand there watching each moment again.

His eyes sweep the room again, and he notices four outlines, each standing at pivotal points of the room, north, south, east, and west. Alec can also assume it has something to do with the ceremony, but he's not entirely sure what. He then glances at the floor, the thin fog obscuring the marks on the floor enough that he can only make out roughly the shapes of the symbols and nothing else. Alec tears his eyes away from the surroundings to look at Magnus. His fiancé stood in the centre of the room in his traditional High Warlock Robes, his gleaming cat eyes staring back at him. The ceremony plays into binding your true self with another; all glamours are down and would remain that way for the whole ceremony and after party. Walking over, Alec stood before Magnus, a small smile breaking out. Magnus looked stunning.

"We have gathered here to bind the souls of Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn, and his chosen mate Alexander Lightwood, High Mage of Brooklyn," Ragnor spoke, approaching the couple with two pieces of long silver ribbon. "These ribbons represent your bound, and binding them together will serve as the beginning of one soul and the end of another."

Ragnor carefully wrapped Alec and Magnus' right hands together before doing the same to the left.

"For a bond to be formed, the couple elects three witnesses to watch their union. May the first witness come forth to bless this union," Ragnor said as Catarina stepped out of the shadows, she walked over, her blue skin and white hair shining under the night sky. She stops beside Magnus and faces Ragnor.

"I, Catarina Loss, Warlock, here bless the union of Magnus Bane and Alexander Lightwood," Catarina said, taking two blue ribbons from Ragnor. She gently wraps one ribbon around their tied left hands before doing the same with the right, "These ribbons signify my blessing as I hand over my friend Magnus to his chosen mate Alexander."

Catarina returned to her original spot, and Ragnor signalled for the next witness to step forward. Raphael approached this time stopping between Magnus and Alec instead of just at Magnus' side. He picked up two red ribbons from Ragnor and wrapped only one around Alec and Magnus' left hands.

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