lexi apologized

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They both went upstairs into a spare room. Lexi sat and the bed. Pierson threw her purse on the table

P- I'm sorry I didn't tell him anything I don't even know he was on to me. I didn't mean to tense up on you. I didn't mean to and I don't want you to hit me again please lexi

Lh- are you going to cry?

She shook her head

P- I'm sorry did I do something wrong?

Lh- no

Lexi got up and grabbed pierson's arm and pierson winced

P- lexi..

Lh- sorry

Lexi hugged her

Lh- I don't know why I did this to you. Your already fucked up your not even in the right mind and I'm sorry that i took advantage of that

P- I am in the right mind

Lh- no your not

P- and I'm also not fucked up

Lh- yes you are

P- were you gonna apologize or just make me feel bad?

Lh- I'm sorry for being a dick pierson. I don't deserve you as a friend. I should've never said these things about you and I shouldn't have put my hands on you. You deserve so much more

P- it's fine

Lh- it's not I've known you for 3 years and i haven't heard you plead like that since you were in twans van

P- i was just a little startled thats all lexi

Lh- scared

P- ofc I was scared I didn't want you to hurt me but you did anyways

Lh- im sorry about that. Don't forgive me for what i did pierson. No one should ever put their hands on you

P- so why'd you do it? Why did you take advantage of me?

Lh- I know this isn't an excuse but me and justice are arguing and I guess I just needed someone to take my anger out on. I knew you would just take it and you wouldn't argue. I'm really sorry

P- ok

Lh- you should tell brent what I did

P- I'm not doing that

Lh- yes you should I punched you in a place you need the most right now. I think it's important

P- wha-

Lh- your stomach. You'll need it for the baby

P- I guess so... I forgive you lexi let's just move past this okay? Your still my friend I'm not going to hold this against you. I know your not gonna like the fact that I'm forgiving you but I could care less. But for now just give me some time and space

Lh- understood

P- let's go downstairs now

Brent was sitting on the couch and pierson was standing beside him. He pulled her by the waist closer to him

Br- you can sit down you know

P- I know

She sat down on his lap

Br- are you okay?

P- yes

He kissed her

Br- no your not. What the fuck happened lexi!?!?!

Lh- I k-

P- Brent she didn't do anything!

Br- your acting weird pierson

Baby just say yes pt2 (parenthood!)Where stories live. Discover now