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*In the morning*

Brent was working on his computer and pierson was in bed

Br- are you excited?

P- yes

He turned the chair to her

Br- look about yesterday I think we should put this baby on pause

P- what why? I thought we figured everything out already

Br- just until you stop hurting yourself

P- I won't anymore im sorry

Br- pierson I ca-

They heard a loud thud

Br- hold up ill be back

He went to check and when he came back Pierson was crying

Br- just ben being a dumb bitch. Are you okay?

She got up and was walking to the bathroom but he stood infront of her

Br- pierson stop let's talk about this

P- I don't wanna talk

Br- but you have to communicate with me

P- I just don't want you to think that I'm incapable of being pregnant

Br- ofc your capable

P- but you dont want me to be pregnant

Br- because I'm concerned I don't want you to hurt yourself while pregnant that might leave an effect on the baby and you know that

P- that's exactly why I wouldn't dare to do that

Br- okay then, let's get dressed

They both got dressed in matching Outfits

(I was trying to add a picture but it wouldn't let me😭 so just imagine it😍)

Then they went downstairs

P- this better be good because I'm upset with you

Br- with me?!

P- yes with you

Br- what whyyyy

P- because your trying to hold up on our plans

Br- okay im sorry we won't pause it then

P- mhm

Br- are you hungry?

P- no

Br- pierson I know I said im taking you on a picnic but please just have a snack at least

P- but I'm not.. idk nvm

He got her some goldfish and ben came downstairs

B- aww you guys are soo cute

P- thanks

Br- thank you, are you dressing up for Halloween?

B- yeah im just going as myself, a criminal, you guys?

P- oh shit Halloween is tomorrow! BTW love the energy

Br- well I have some costumes for pierson to try on since I knew she was going to forget

P- they better be cute

B- good because the get together at amp is about to go hard

P- what get together?

B- read the group chat

P- what group chat?

B- your not in the group chat?

Baby just say yes pt2 (parenthood!)Where stories live. Discover now