Phone call

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*In the morning*

Ben and pierson were in the couch and brent was upstairs doing work

P- ben im really sorry for acting that way towards you. Im just very upset with you because your sooo young and you commited a crime

B- i know i messed up my life pretty bad and it barely started. Im happy that you care so much and i accept your apology

P- thank you

B- boy or girl?

P- for what?

B- you know, your baby

P- how did you know?

B- brent was talking about it to someone on the phone. Sorry if that was too far

P- no it wasn't too far. But who was he talking to?

B- idk but at first it was a women then male and he was just talking about you and how it would effect you

P- okay

B- do i know too much?

P- yes, it wasn't a secret but you weren't supposed to know. And thoes people he was talking to definitely weren't supposed to know

B- oh well sorry i didn't know

P- no its fine

They both continued watching tv till brent came downstairs on his phone

Br- what time are you trying to go in for the apointment?

P- me?

Br- yes you

P- what apointment?

Br- i booked one for you, so what time?

P- I'm not telling you a time for something i didn't have a say in

Br- it's to make sure your okay

P- i know but we talked about this. You cant do stuff for me because you want to make sure im okay

Br- can you just tell me a time and stop making this so difficult

P- i don't even know what the apointments about. I dont appreciate you booking apointments for me without my knowledge

Br- stop being so stubborn. Tell me a time or ill pick it

P- i fucking told you all ready. What type of shit husband are you trying to be?

Br- how does 5 sound for tomorrow?

P- okay but im not going

Br- great, yes i would like to book it for 5

He finished the call

Br- come with me

P- no

Br- no?

P- your behaving strange. Were supposed to be focusing on starting a family and your on some bullshit. Im not with that brent. You better get that fixed

Br- so because of that your not coming with me?

P- fuck no

B- she has a point brent

P- fix your attitude then come sweet talk

Br- are we not trying to start a family? Your making it seem like im shit

P- im not making it seem like anything. Your the one acting like that. I told you already if you keep acting like this im not taking part in becoming parents

Baby just say yes pt2 (parenthood!)Where stories live. Discover now