Ultrasound 👶🏼

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Pierson looked behind her and mark was following her up the stairs

P- hi

Ma- hello

P- do you need something?

Ma- no I'm just going to keep you company

P- no it's okay I have a phone and tv In my room so I don't think I need company. Besides it would be weird if my dad's friend was in my room with me

Ma- he's your dad?

P- No were just close...

Ma- it's okay baby he won't have to know and it would only be weird if we make it weird

Pierson stopped walking up the stairs

P- listen I know your intentions are probably innocent but I've had a bad past with guys and you're making me uncomfortable so do you mind just staying downstairs?

Ma- who said my intentions were innocent?

Pierson looked at mark and mark looked at Pierson then smirked. Mark saw the fear in Pierson's eyes

Ma- sorry that's not what I meant

P- please go downstairs

Mark went downstairs and Pierson went upstairs

2 hours later

Pierson started to get hungry so she went downstairs into the kitchen to find everyone eating take out

P- hey guys

Pd- why are you doing here?

P- I'm hungry

Pd- there's something in the microwave for you

Pierson opened it and there was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

P- thanks

Pierson pulled out a chair, when she sat down she groaned

Ma- what wrong

P- nothing my feet just hurt and I'm a bit dizzy

Ma- oh are you okay?

P- yeah

Laura came with 4 big bags and Pierson got up to hug her

P- hi mom

Lu- hey sweetie

Pd- you already have a mom

P- I know

Karin walked into the kitchen

P- Karin are you okay?

Kd- so you call her mom and not me?

P- I would call you mom but

Kd- but what???? Huh???

P- she's just been a mother figure to me because she's been there for me and hasn't ran away

Karin started tearing up

P- I don't want you to be sad I'm just-

Kd- no I get it, even tho I was the one who put a roof over your head, gave you food, raised you for 18+ years and gave you life

P- I know but-

Kd- no buts pierson. I'm your real mother and just because I left for a bit doesn't mean you can basically deny that I'm your mom. You're lucky I'm not disowning you like Mike did

Tears where forming in Pierson's eyes

Ma- that's what this is about? I knew Mike and Pierson were related. Bro what happened

Pd- nothing it's just that she's gotten out of hand

P- no i just wnated you to care about me

Pd- pierson just go upstairis please

P- again??? Fine fuck you then

Pierson went into the living room the same time Brent came home

P- thank goodness

Br- hi baby, are you okay?

P- no let's go upstairs

They both went upstairs. Brent was getting changed as Pierson was ranting about how toxic her dad is being

P- he's a piece of shit

Br- I know and I'm sorry but I came home early today so we can go to the doctors

P- for the baby?

Br- yep I told them you're pregnant so I have some time off so get dressed

They both got dressed and went downstairs

Lu- where are you guys headed?

P- um.. nowhere

Lu- liesss what's up??

Br- we're just going to the hospital

Lu- why? Are you guys okay?

Br- yeah don't worry mom we'll be back

They both got into the car and Brent drove them to the hospital

*they are in the waiting room*

P- we need to tell Laura I don't feel good lying to her

Br- we won't keep it a secret for long

P- good, but how will we tell her?

Br- that's up to you but we could get her a smash cake but that's just an idea


Br- alright smash cake it is

They yelled until it was their turn

N- Pierson Rivera your doctor is ready to see you

*skip to when they both went into the doctors room*

Dr-  alright Pierson Rivera back again

P-  I'm sorry, do I come here too often?

Dr- No actually not enough. Anyways tell me what's wrong

P- Brent will tell you

Brent was explaining to the doctor

Dr- okay congratulations guys! I'll get the stuff for the ultrasound and you guys will get ur test results soon

The doctor left

P- I don't know if I should be scared or excited. We've wanted this for SOO long Brent!

Br- I know and to anwser your question we should be excited because not only is this a good a celebration that we're gonna have a baby but it's also a celebration that your mental health is getting better

P-yeah not for long because Mike is draining me

Br- yeah he is too much so I don't even know how he's aloud to "watch you"

When he said that the doctor came back with X-rays of the baby

Dr- okay you can't see much since she's only 2 weeks
in but you're doing well Pierson

They finished talking to the doctor and they started driving

P- I'm really excited and scared idk how this is gonna work out

Br- I'm excited to so let's stay positive just Incase. Should we get the smash cake now?

P- sure and I was thinking that we could prank Lexi by me calling you "dad" all day and she'll think that I'm trying to flirt with you so she would be weirded out and then when she asks why I call you that I can just tell her that I'm preparing you to respond to our kid calling you that

Br- yess! She's gonna feel so uncomfortable

They drove to the store to get the smash cake



(Also I got a new phone 😝)

Words: 1016

Baby just say yes pt2 (parenthood!)Where stories live. Discover now