The morning after

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In the morning

Brent was downstairs making breakfast and lexi broke in


She walked to the kitchen

Br- how did you get in?!?!

Lr- the key you gave me

Br- I regret giving that to you

Lexi gave brent a present

Br- why?

Lr- why not? What are you making? It smells delicious

Br- one of the breakfasts that mom used to make for us. It's my first time trying to make it though so I dought that it'll taste good

Lr- if you follow the recipe i bet it won't be half as bad

Br- I'm taking that as a positive thing

Lr- Good, now where's pierson? I have a gift for her too

Bd- she's upstairs sleeping I'm not sure if she would like visitors

Lr- okay

Lexi got up and was on her way to the living room

Br- don't go up there

Lr- I won'tttt

Br- but if you do see her don't tell her I'm making breakfast

Lr- sure

As soon as she was out of his sight she went straight upstairs and sat on the edge of their bed

Lr- pierson?

She started to wake up. She put the blanket over her head

P- you can't be serious

Lr- what?

P- first of all where's brent?

Lr- downstaris

P- doing what?

Lr- I can't tell you

P- omgggg and secondly you actually showed up?!?!

Lr- yeah I said I would. Why wouldn't I? I stay true to my word.

Lexi tried to pull her cover off

P- don't I look... scarce

Lr- okay sure

P- I'm dead serious lexi. I look and smell a mess. Give me a second to get dressed

Lr- alright but I want all the details of lastnight

P- sure but only if I get a glimpse of landrew

Lr- deal

Pierson showered and got dressed in jeans and a green crop top. She was sitting down at her vanity and lexi was sitting on the bed

P- you might not want to sit on the bed, pull up a chair or something

Lr- wish you told me earlier

Lexi pulled up a chair

Lr- so

P- so, how are you and andrew doing? What stage of the relationship are we in?

Lr- good, and I honestly have no clue. I don't think we're moving too fast or too slow but things aren't changing between us, I kinda like how we are right now tho so i guess it's not too bad. And I'll be an auntie soon so life's going great

Pierson laughed a bit

P- I hope so

Lr- wdym you "hope so"

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