Everything Has Changed

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Jake has discovered he wants more than he ever thought possible, and now he is free; he won't allow it to slip through his fingers.



All he could do was stare at her. Sitting on that park bench, unblinking, hands trembling, breath tight, and his heart was lodged somewhere in his throat, feeling the rapid beats in his neck and ears. Still, he wanted to be here, with her. This woman who dragged him kicking and screaming out of exile, and made him want, made him need more than solitude and the soft glow of a laptop screen. For the first time in years, Jake wanted more, more, more. He gazed into her welcoming eyes, fractured with gold and amber light, sparkling under the late afternoon sun as she studied his face. She said all of two words, and he was dumbstruck.

"Hello, Jake."

A yearning to hear her say his name every day made thinking hard. And the lilting, musical quality of her voice would forever be inked into his soul. He hoped it would haunt him until his last days, he knew somehow that he'd follow it anywhere, and after all they'd gone through to be here, he wouldn't take a second for granted. She was smiling at him, dimples flashing in her cheeks as they bloomed wild with pink roses, and he wondered how they managed to get here. He still hadn't replied, but he didn't need to.

She edged closer, reaching out to ghost her fingers tentatively over the back of his hand as he fidgeted as if making sure he was real, and it settled him enough to breathe her name. A prayer or a plea? He wasn't entirely sure, and he acted without thinking as she made to withdraw, blowing out a breath as he caught hold of her small hand in his and squeezed gently. Her eyes widened a fraction, but soon, she beamed at him, and they were leaning into each other, neither realizing they were doing it.

"What do we do now?" She whispered.

He chuckled slightly at her, relieved she was as uncertain as he, and he took strength from it.

"Whatever we want, I suppose." He replied, the words strange on his rusty tongue.

She thought about it; his pulse flickered rampantly in his neck as a gentle breeze ruffled her hair and carried her scent to him. Inhaling deeply, his raging heart calmed as her sweet, sensual perfume tickled his nose. It was as beautiful as she, though he admired her bravery and sharp mind, her ability to adapt and survive more than her appearance. Jake didn't know where to begin sorting through his emotions. There were so many he refused to acknowledge during his time on the run. Now they demanded release, and he no longer wanted to feel nothing.

Usually, he dealt with facts and data. He had no time or room for the softer, often terrible emotions that came with allowing someone inside the steel fortress he erected around himself to ensure his survival. It was an empty life, a half-life, and he no longer wanted it, hadn't since she dropped into his life. Unexpected and unwanted at first, but now, he hoped she never left and could see similar thoughts ripple through her bottomless eyes as she came even closer.

"What do you want to do then, Jake?" She asked, a laugh in her tone as warmth washed over him. Embarrassed at being so inept at simple conversation.

How long had it been since someone asked him that question? He wasn't sure but was so surprised he blurted what he wanted from the moment they'd locked eyes, "Would it be alright if I wanted to kiss you?"

If his heart beat any harder, it would burst out of his chest, and he smothered an urge to hit himself for being so forward. It wasn't like him, but everything he did after meeting her had been abnormal. Why change things now when he so enjoyed her company and the way she gazed at him like she couldn't believe he was real and was trying to memorize him. He was doing the same, determined never to forget even one of the freckles scattered like a constellation over the bridge of her nose. The world around them blurred in his periphery, all he saw was her, glowing delicately as she nodded, and he couldn't quite believe he wasn't dreaming. Lifting his free hand, ignoring the quiver in his fingers as he tucked her loose hair behind her ear, cupping her face reverently as her eyes fluttered closed.

He couldn't recall the last time he kissed someone, a sudden worry that he'd forgotten how was quickly pushed aside as he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers and marveled at how soft they were. She held her breath as he did it again, delicately mapping their feel and shape as she tightened her hold on his hand, a thread of sweet anticipation between them going taught. He wanted to know if she tasted as honeyed as she looked. He wasn't prepared for the burst of magnificent heat and light in his chest as she pushed in and silently encouraged him, her hand coming up to wrap around his nape and tangle in his hair.

Lips tingling, a shiver dripped down his spine, and the voice in his head went blessedly quiet as she opened her mouth with a sigh and let him inside. Instinctively, he tilted his head to deepen it as he tasted her on his tongue, tangling with hers as her fingers buried in his hair. His thumb stroked her cheekbone, she trembled, and he savored the feel of her, braver now. His stomach dipped and fluttered as they smiled into the kiss, each tender caress of their tongues bolder than the last as they taught one another the silent secret code of new love. Blood raced through his veins so fast he was dizzy, cheeks burning as he upped the pressure, and she responded eagerly when he slid his hand into her hair and pulled her impossibly closer.

A peculiar buzzing in his ears drowned out the birds and the shuddering tree leaves as the warm breeze swirled through the forest around them. Blind to it all, neither wanted it to end, and he was warm to his marrow for the first time in years, the ice shell encasing his heart melting away so quickly it was like it had never been there at all. Months ago, he couldn't have dreamt of this, wouldn't allow himself to out of fear he'd slip and end up in prison, taking her down with him. But all of that was passed, and they had been gifted the chance at a future together if they so wished. Choice. They could choose. He couldn't remember what choices were, but he was ready and willing to relearn with her for as long as they were given. He didn't plan to waste a second of it. There was already so much he had to catch up on.

Imprinting the feel and taste of her into his mind and heart, he reluctantly pulled back. Kissing the corners of her sweet mouth, swallowing her breathless laugh as he couldn't resist stealing one last lingering kiss. Face flushed, eyes aglow with golden light, she was a vision of loveliness and hope. Home. He no longer felt adrift in a cold, furious sea. She was warmth and comfort, steel and silk, all wrapped up in a deceivingly fragile body. He silently promised to never run from her, never hide or let go.

They had time to learn and grow with each other. Time to settle down and make new lives together. His future always looked bleak, dark, and impossible before she waltzed inside his head and refused to leave. Now, all he saw was sunshine, and though he was aware they would face many storms throughout their lives, they would weather them together, and that was the difference. He wouldn't face them alone anymore. And neither would she.

No longer a victim of circumstance and misfortune, he still couldn't believe the hands of fate had finally woven something extraordinary for him. After all he suffered, it was difficult to trust it, but he knew that distrust would dissipate in time. He recognized similar disbelief in her glorious eyes, and it eased him enough to speak his mind.

"Where do we go from here?" He murmured, tone rough with searing emotion as her eyes lined with silver and her grin turned watery.

"Wherever we want. But first, let's go home." She all but whispered.

Home. He would have to get used to that but found he was very much looking forward to discovering where they would be ten years from now. As they rose on weak legs and their hummingbird hearts took flight, he let go of who he thought he should be and realized he was excited to find out who he could be. Hand in hand, they left their park bench oasis behind and began the short walk home.

There are four of these so far. I will upload another tonight and the other two over the weekend. Thank you for reading.

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