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I can't lose you

Leonora PoV:

I stepped inside my own castle, looking around. There had been a few attacks, but only on students that wandered around alone or in little groups. The school for good had bigger problems with that thing. But why?

Enzo greeted me, before he followed behind, as I made my way up to my office. Even when we were under an attack, or something like this, the schools had to run. And that meant paper work for me and Clarissa.

I sighed, as I stepped into my office, sitting down behind my chair.

"I'll swear someday I'm gonna burn all those papers." It was almost as if they were grinning at me, making fun of my situation.

"Your gonna be the dean, they said. It would be fun they said. Idiots." I spat, starting my paper work. Couldn't just something happen, so that I didn't need to do this?

And guess what happened. Lord, I should stop hoping that something happens.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, which was weird enough if you include the fact that I was alone. But when I turned my hand to look at the hand and saw three claws, I more then lost it.

Before I could react or do something, the darkness surrounded us again, but this time, it was different. It was as if I was in a dark room. Or better, a dark space. An endless space.

I called out for someone, but there was no answer. Where had that thing taken me?

"Somebody here?!" "Yes." I turned around and looked at him. This wasn't possible. I made sure he would never get out of there.

"Surprised to see me?" "How did you…?" He chuckled and walked around me, lifting his arms. "This is my home if you would like to call it that. Well, for my soul… My mind. Don't worry, I'm still locked up… And I'm still drowning."

He said the last part with hate, looking me up and down. "When you attacked, I teleported away to free this guy. I knew I would lose. You see, when you came to me that day, you were the evil I saw in you. You were the person I wanted you to be…"

His words didn't mean anything to me. But the old me started to show up. The me, that always wanted to hear those words. To serve him. To please him…

My whole body shook at those thoughts. Amazing how disgusted I could be from myself.

"So I sent him to finish my job. And it seems to be working." "So your the owner?" He nodded, looking back at me. "And if I want to, I could just keep you here with me forever. But you see…" He took a few steps away from me.

"I want you to suffer. Because you dissapointed me! Why couldn't you just have become what I saw in you!?" His eyes were filled with rage and I stepped back.

"You will go back and watch. Watch how everything crumbles around you! How everyone dies, because you can't do something about it! YOU WILL WATCH HER DIE IN YOUR ARMS!" I tried to cover my ear, but it was as if he was in my head.

"AND THIS WILL ALL BE YOUR FAULT!" Tears started to fill my eyes and I looked down, hoping I would somehow escape from here. "And after that… Oh my sweet sweet Leonora… You will stay here with me. Forever."

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. I tried to resist, but my hand went right through him. "You will watch how this thing destroys everything you build up for yourself."

With that, he pushed me backwards, so that I fell. But instead of landing on the floor, I sat back in my chair. That thing was still in my office, looking down at me.

"I'll swear I'll kill you. AND IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO!" It disappeared when the door opened and Enzo rushed inside.

"Are you alright Mistress?" I looked at him, anger and rage boiling inside of me. "You will stay at Clarissas side at all time. I don't care if she likes it or not. But that thing won't kill her." He nodded, turning around to leave.

"And organize a meeting, I have to speak with the others." He looked over the shoulder and bowed his head. "Ofcourse Mistress. I'll do that." With that, he left me alone in my office.

Clarissa PoV:

The classroom door opened and Enzo walked inside. He seemed in a rush, as he stopped infront of me.

"Everything alright? Did something happen? Happened something to her?" I got worried fast, but he shook his head, trying to calm me back down.

"No, no, she is alright. She sent me to guard you." To guard me? What was she trying to do now? "Why?" "I heard her scream something at someone, but when I entered her office she was alone. Then she ordered me to not leave your side."

I leaned against my desk, my students looking back and forth between us. "She also said that she won't let that thing kill you." And there it was, now everything made sense now. She wouldn't send him, if it wasn't something serious.

I nodded and pointed onto an empty seat. "You can sit there, or stand, whatever you prefer." He bowed his head and I gave him a short smile, before I walked back around my desk.

We had to deal with this problem now, else it could be to late for me. Another thing that started to worry me, was that Lesso could talk with that thing. How else should she know that it was after me?

I tried to focus back on my lesson, but my mind always trailed back to what Enzo had said. Why did this had to happen? It was almost as if Rafal was haunting us from the dead.

When my lesson was over, Enzo guided me to the libary where Leonora was. She hugged me close, giving me a loving kiss.

"What happened?" I asked when we parted, looking up into her beautiful eyes. "I was in my office and that thing did this surrounding shit again, you know? Like it happened in the hall." She was rambling the words and I scratched her arm.

"Slow down Nora, please." There was a short pause, before she kept talking, this time much slower. "Well, it seems like it has saved Rafals soul? He was talking to me, telling me that he wanted that thing to kill you and then everyone else."

I felt her muscles tense under her words. She was more then scared to lose me. "He want's me to lose everything I build up for myself and then force me to live with him in that thing. However this is possible."

Her voice slowly died down and I saw little tears in her eyes. "Aww Nora, he won't get me, I promise." I hugged her close, rubbing her back.

"I can't lose you." She whispered, holding me close. "Your the only good thing in my life, I can't lose you. Please…" I heared her sniffle, before she hid her face in my neck.

"You won't lose me, you won't ever get rid of me. That's a promise for eternity." I stepped back and looked into her face. There was a little smile, before she dried her tears.

"Better is, because I would never let you go." I smiled back at her, taking her hand in mine. "You can be so sweet, its adorable." She blushed and looked away, which made me chuckle.

Carefully, I grabbed her chin with two fingers and forced her to look at me, before I kissed her softly.

"Enzo filled me in about the meeting. Anything I have to know before we start?" She shook her head, her eyes lost in mine. I smiled and pecked her lips one last time, before I walked to my seat, sitting down and waiting for the others.

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