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We're going to get a fir tree

Leonora PoV:

I walked into my room, calling Enzo on the way. "Yes Mistress?" "Get an axe, we are going out." He looked at me. "For which purpose?" "We're going to get a fir tree for christmas."

His confused look made me chuckle. "This winter will be a little different. Now go and get the axe." He bowed his head, before he left me alone.

I stepped into my room, taking of my coat and tie, before looking around in my closet. Even when I was used to the cold, we would spent quite some time out there, and I didn't want to get a cold.

I changed into some winter clothes and walked out, to find Enzo standing in the dark with the axe. I winced and sighed. "Don't do this ever again." "Forgive me."

He followed me outside and from there, we both started our journy through the snow. Over the day, I had snowed some more and the height was now by around one feet.

"Somewhere special you wanna get the tree from Mistress?" I looked around, the castles seemed so little from far away. "Well, I rarely leave the castle, so you tell me."

He pointed into a direction. "There are some fir trees in this direction. Maybe five or six more minutes." I nodded and followed him.

The trees were all covered with loads of snow. "If you don't know their here, you can't see them in the winter." He started shaking the trees and revealed some beautiful fir trees.

"Wow." He continued to free the trees from the snow, as I looked around.

"What do you think?" "Their good, the only problem is the height…" I leaned my head to the side. "Clarissa forbid me to get one that's to big." He started walking past the ones he freed from the snow.

"There are some smaller ones back here." And so we spent the next half hour with freeing trees and looking at them. At the end, I decided for one that was around two metres tall.

"Do you wanna do the honors Mistress?" I smirked and took the axe from him. "I would love to." The light reflcted on the blade, as I lifted the axe in the air, slamming it down onto the stump.

I slowly started to get warm, but at the same time, this was exhausting. "How about you do the rest buddy." He took the axe and bowed his head, before he continued what I had started.

Maybe two more minutes passed, before the tree fell into the snow. "Thank me, we can finally go." He chuckled and laid the axe down, so that he could lift the tree.

"Let's head home, shall we? I think I turn into an ice statue if I have to stay here any longer." I was pretty sure that he chuckled, but I didn't mind. With the axe resting on my shoulder, we made our way back to the castles.

Clarissa PoV:

I found some decorations and after some more asking around, Anemone had helped me aswell. She sat on my bed, looking through some of the decorations.

"Do you want one too?" I showed her the hot chocolate, which I made for Lesso and Enzo. "I would love one." She smiled shortly and I gave her the cup in my hand.

She thanked me and we both turned to the door, as it opened. "We're back." Leonora walked in, covered in snow, placing the axe down. "Seems like you two had fun."

She started taking off her clothes, hugging me. "Your ice cold Lesso." "I feel like that too. Enzo will help you place the tree, I'm gonna take a warm shower." I nodded, watching her walk into the bathroom.

Soon after, Enzo walked in, carrying the tree. "Your cold aswell. Place it aside, you need to heat up first." I pulled a chair to him, which he sat down on. He thanked me brushing off some snow of his fur.

"Forgive me for the mess Clarissa." I gave him a cup of the hot chocolate. "Oh don't worry, it's all cleaned up already." With a flick of my hand, the floor was clean again.

I walked over to Anemone, which was looking at the tree. "I told her not to get a big one." She chuckled and nudged my side softly. "Well, it's Lesso, what did you expect?"

I shrugged and looked at her. "That she does as I tell her to. She knows who's in charge." Anemone smirked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Sounds like someone needs a punishment. I'm gonna go, I still have some paper work to do. Oh and thanks for the hot chocolate." I smiled and we wished us a great day, before she left the room.

I sat down on the bed and started talking with Enzo. It didn't take long for Leonora to finish showering and walk out in some fresh clothes.

"Couldn't decide where to place the tree?" "No, I just wanted to warm him up first." I nodded shortly to Enzo, before I stood up and walked over to her.

"Haven't I told you to get a small one?" "It is! The others were like three times this size." She explained and I chuckled, pulling her close. "If you say that Nora."

I kissed her softly, melting into the hug. My lips traveld over her shoulder and I heard some soft gasps from her. "Don't forget that Enzo is still here…" I chuckled and leaned back.

"What, scared that he know's your not in charge?" She rolled her eyes and stepped past me. "Better watch how you behave now Lesso, we don't want you to end up with a punishment, do we?"

Her back was facing me, but at the sudden stop of her movements, I knew that she was blushing. I smirked to myself, walking over to Enzo.

"Your feeling better?" He nodded and thanked me, giving me the empty cup. "Great, then let's build up to tree, so that you can go and rest, hm?" "Sounds good to me."

I placed the cup aside, grabbing one for Lesso, before handing it her. "Thank you." She smiled, sipping from the cup.

After a short discussion where the tree should go, Enzo and Lesso build it up. "And, what do you say Princess?" I leaned my head to the side, to look at it. "It looks wonderful."

She smiled at me, giving me a soft kiss on my head. "I'm gonna go then, if you don't need me anymore." We both wished him a great day, before he left us alone.

"Can we decorate it now?" Her eyes had that shimmer in them again and I nodded. "I won't stop ya." She started looking through the stuff, before she started decorating the tree.

I just sat on the bed, watching her. If you didn't count in her tall body, she could be a little girl, excited for christmas.

"Don't you wanna help?" "I didn't want to ruin your masterpiece." She chuckled and pulled me up from the bed, giving me some decorations. "It wouldn't be a masterpiece without your help."

I smiled widely, taking in the moment comepletely.

When we were done, we both stepped back and looked at the tree. I snapped and some of the decorations started to light up with a dim light.

"It looks beautiful." Leonora whispered, interwining her hand with mine. "It sure does. Now we only need to add this…" I grabbed a golden star, which should be placed on the tip of the tree.

After some tries, I gave up and walked back to Lesso. "Can you place it, I can't reach it." She chuckled, taking the star from me. "Well, seems like your to small for this."

I watched as she placed down the star and walked back to me with a mocking grin on her face.

"I'm small?" She nodded. "Alright, then would you tell me why I can do this?" I pulled her close, turning us around so that she was pressed against the wall. Before she could move, I grabbed her hands with one hand and held them over her head.

"Just because you can pin me to the wall, doesn't mean your big… Or strong." I chuckled, as she tried to free herself but failed. She looked down at me, trying again.

"What did you say? I'm not strong?" "How are you…?" With a smirk on my face, I pinched her leg, which made her jump up. She wrapped her legs around my body and I placed my free hand under her ass to give her some support.

"Your using magic or something. Are you even Clarissa?" I chuckled and kissed her, holding her hands tighter together. "I am not… I'm your queen." She got a goosebump from the words whispered into her ear.

"Now why don't we lay down and cuddle a bit, hm?" I stepped back from the wall, still holding her only with one arm. "I should stop underestimating you." "Oh you definitly should…"

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