64. (Smut)

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Let's try something new…

Leonora PoV:

We all sat on the tables, eating and talking. It was a truly wonderful atmosphere and I started to really enjoy all this.

"Nora?" I turned my head to Clarissa and nodded. "Yes Princess?" "Can we go?" A confused look came to my face. "But… The night is still young, don't you want to celebrate a little more?" She shook her head and leaned it onto my shoulder.

"I am tired. A little longer and I will fall asleep." I looked at her, and then back at the others. "Are you sure?" She nodded slightly and I sighed. "Okay, then let's go."

She stood up, grabbing my arm with her hands, leaning against me. "I just wanted to say thank you to you all. For everything. We are going to bed now, Princess is a bit tired." She nudged me and I chuckled.

"Good night." I carefully laid my arm around her waist, before we both walked out of the room. It didn't take long for us to reach our room.

"I'll lock the door." She mumbled and turned around. I just nodded and walked over to the bed, slowly opening my suit as I spotted something on the bed.

"Hey, uhm, what are… those…?" I turned around, only to find her standinng right infront of me, only wearing her black lingerie. "I think you know exactly what all of this is, don't you?" My face turned slightly red, as I scanned her body.

"I thought we could try something new for our special night." Her arms wrapped around my neck, as she pulled me closer to her lips. "Or do you want to keep it simple?" My eyes jumped from her lips to her eyes, as I thought back to what I just had seen on the bed.

"Let's try something new…" I whisper, and close the gap between us, kissing her. She smirked into the kiss, her hands slowly wandering down my body and to my chest, taking off my blazer.

We part for air and I see the lust in her eyes, she took off my shirt. Her fingers brushed over my skin, giving me a goosebump. "Just watch how your body reacts to me…" The words she whispered made me blush.

With our gaze locked, I felt her fingers sneak to my back, undoing my bra. Her lips were soft, as she kissed me, pulling my bra off as she leaned back again.

"Do you trust me?" I nodded, feeling the cold air hit my skin. "Then go on your knees." Without thinking much, I knealed down, looking up at her, a soft blush on my face.

She smirked and grabbed my chin with her hand. "I promise not to hurt you… Atleast not as much as I did back in the doom room." My face flushed more red and she chuckled, walking past me to the bed.

Without a word, she put a blindfold over my eyes. "Do you see anything?" "No, my Queen." Her fingers brushed over my shoulder, as she seemed to walk back to the bed to grab the other things.

"Open up…" I slowly open my mouth, as I feel her secure a gag in it. "Does it hurt?" I shook my head, excitment rising in me, as her voice was this low seductive whisper.

"Hands on your back." Without complain, I obeyed and soon after felt ropes being tied around my wrists. Her footsteps came back to my front ond she placed her hand on my cheek.

"You look so beautiful my good girl." I blushed, as I leaned into her touch. "Now… I think you saw what else laid on the bed, didn't you?" My vision was completely black, as I looked up at her, knowing what she was talking about.

Clarissa PoV:

I smirked, watching her cheeks turn redder and redder with the seconds passing by. She didn't seem to mind the idea, so I grabbed the collar and walked back infront of her.

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