Chapter 6

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"You dont even need to ask, I got you, always."


"Mr. Wilson?" My eyes widened. I swear I almost spat out my drink. I felt the panic rising through me and Im sure he sensed it too. He was sitting right next to me, rather closely as I could feel the warmth that radiated from him. He was wearing a black dress shirt that he folded to up to his elbows, black jeans and black shoes. What was he? A vampire?

"Surprised to see you here Miss Morgan, didn't think you were the type to go to these things." He stated calmly but I could see the amusement in his eyes, honestly the nerve of this guy.

" Im not." I answered as I looked away from him, I didn't have it in me to meet his eyes. In fact I looked at everywhere but him.

"My friends dragged me here, one of them knows the owner." Please leave, please leave. I chanted that in my head like a prayer to the heavens. But to no such luck. I could feel his eyes on me looking at me from head to toe. Was my professor checking me out?

"You look beautiful" He whispered under his breath. Did I hear that wrong? Did he just say that? I turned to look at him and he was staring straight ahead at the dance floor.

I didn't say anything, what were you suppose to say when your Greek God of a math professor told you that? If I didn't hear him wrong that is. I turned away from him but I could feel his eyes drilling holes on the side of my face .

"Did your friends just left you here on your own?"

"Yes and no, I was the one who pushed them to have fun since its pretty boring just siting next to me" I shrugged. I sneak I peek at him and he was already looking my way. I looked away immediately. He just caught me red handed, his mouth curved into one of those half smirks and I swear how could someone be so good looking its unfair.

"You know its rude not to look someone in the eye when they're talking to you Miss Morgan" Yeah no , Im good.

I didn't even have time to breathe before I felt his fingers tough my chin and moved me to face him, right into his icy blue eyes. Blood rushed to my cheeks, I could feel myself looking like a tomato. He was so close , when did he get this close? Our noses were almost touching. He gave one of those sexy smirks, his eyes gave nothing away to what he was feeling. I was just baffled and confused.

"I .. I need to go find my friends" I pulled away from him, I got off my seat and ran well not ran, more like sprinted or fast walked? Who could run in these heels? As I was running I bumped into someone.

It was a man, A very intoxicated man. I mumbled an apology and tried to walk past him but before I could , he grabbed my wrist, hard, and pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going sexy?" He slurred. He had this horrible smile on his face and his breath smelled like road kill. My nose scrunched up in distaste.

"Let go of me!" I screamed at him, I tried to pull at my hand but his grip was too strong, this would so bruised tomorrow. He pulled me closer to him and his hand were on my back slowly going lower.

"No, I think we should have a little fun, what do say about getting out of here and head to my place and there I could show you a good time" Was this man crazy? What part of me showed him that I was interested? I trashed around , pulling, tugging and screaming but he had this vice like grip and he laughed maniacally.

"No use sexy" He began dragging me to the exit, this cannot be happening, tears started to form in my eyes, where are my friends? why is everybody drunk? Do they not notice me being pulled out against my will? I looked around and everybody I saw was intoxicated. Oh no, if I had known I never should have left Mr. Wilson.

Someone , save me! I pleaded mentally.

And as if the heavens heard me, I was snatched away from his strong grip on my wrist and into a warm chest. I looked at my savior. Relief flooded through me, I could feel my knees buckle, Mr. Wilson. He looked like he was about to kill someone, his jaw was locked and his eyes grew dark, his hand that wasn't around me formed into a fist, in other words he looked furious.

The man had the guts to look angry , like someone took away his dinner.
"What the hell man! Get your own whore!" He screamed. And that was it , Mr. Wilson snapped. He punch him square in the jaw. Crack! Next thing I knew that man was on the floor clutching his broken jaw, but Mr, Wilson wasn't finished, he grabbed him by the collar and threw him across the room, people were looking at us now. He continued beating him up. A crowd gathered around us.

Oh no, he needs to stop! He could kill the man, and there goes his entire career. I screamed over and over again for him to stop but I don't think he heard me at all. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes , why on earth was I crying. My legs gave away and I fell knees first to the floor.

"Alexander Stop!" I heard man with ashy blond hair shout. He went to Mr. Wilson and held him back but he tried to pull away.

"No Alex! Calm the fuck down!" He shouted, he told Mr. Wilson something that I couldn't really hear clearly, somewhere between the lines of scaring her. It seemed to calm him down, he looked at me, concern written all over his face. The blond let him go so he could make his way to me.

"Angelica" His voice laced with worry and he crouched down and wrapped me in his arms and into his chest. I don't know why but I just started sobbing to my math teacher. I guess the adrenaline rush ended and everything came rushing to me. I was assaulted, and if he wasn't here , I cant even imagine what would have happened.

"Shh, Its okay, I got you, you're safe" He gathered me in his arms and scooped me up and I was too traumatized to be embarrassed, he sat me in the nearest chair, his arms still around me. He asked the bartender to fetch me some water.

"I was so scared." Tears still coming down my face. He rubbed my back soothingly , trying to calm me down.
"That bastard" he cursed under his breath. I could still feel the anger coursing through him. He pulled away and I thought he was gonna leave, I held onto him. " please don't leave me" His eyes softened immensely, his eyes didn't seem cold anymore. His arms wrapped around me once more.

"Im not going anywhere, sweetheart"


Note: Okay don't kill me! So its been like 3 years? If there are some people who read my book, I deeply apologize. I didn't mean to let you guys wait this long, But a lot of things happened, school stuff, fam stuff. Hopefully this year I cant update more regularly.

I honestly don't know where this story is going since its been like 3 years, the plot is long forgotten but Ill try to remember it, but if you gust have suggestions Im all ears or eyes hahaha

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