Chapter 2

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Id like my mornings better ,if my mornings started with you


A week had gone and everything went by as usual, and as usual I was late
I gasp for air as I continue running, why was I running? Well all the shuttles had left, all of them full, probably gonna take a good 30 minutes for them to get back and I didn't have that kind of time, my math class was 8:30 and it was already 8:19. Where was Alli you ask? Well she went home for the weekend and just came back today, she texted me last night that she'd go straight to school and a part of me forgot about that.

"I am so not fit" I managed to breath out as I continue to run.

I totally blame it on the movies I watched last night but seriously I coudn't help it, Channing Tatum was practically calling my name which resulted in me sleeping in and constantly hitting the snooze button
I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Mira

"Professor not here yet, where are you ?!"

Well Mira, Im running late haha no. I didn't really know how to text and run so I was just about to put my phone away when I smashed into a hard wall. My phone flew from my hand and into the cold hard floor and so did my butt. Okay that hurt I muttered while soothing my butt and my nose. My poor phone.

"Are you okay ?" I heard a deep husky voice asked, as a hand reach out to me. So it wasn't a wall.

Hesitantly, I clasped my hand in his, warmth spreading through my body .

"Yeah, its my fault, I wasn't looking at whe-" I was cut short, my breath hitched.

My green eyes stared into beautiful icy blue ones which were framed by thick dark lashes, high cheek bones, a masculine jawline and his pink lips slightly parted as he helped me up, then held both my arms to steady me , goosebumps rising on my skin where he touched me. He was gorgeous. Who was he?

He was wearing a black suit and black tie, he had this compelling aura and intimidating demeanor around him. Handsome was too weak of a word to describe him. His lips curved into a sexy smirk. Did he just notice me check him out? Great. I could feel my face turning red.

I didn't even notice him handing me my phone . "Here, I believe you dropped this Miss.." His voice trailed off.

I grabbed my phone from his hand, accidentally touching his fingers while doing so, I felt electrocuted that I pulled my hand back immediately. What was that?


"Miss Morgan" He repeated, testing it on his lips, causing my stomach to flutter. I nodded in response. Wait,I haven't even said thank you to him.

"Thank you." I gave him a grateful smile.

"Running late?" I heard his deep voice ask.

"Very." I grinned sheepsihly.

"You better go then, its 8:25 " I looked at him, there was amusement in his icy blue eyes as he gazed back at me.

As if snapped back to reality, my eyes widened, I turned to leave before bowing slightly and muttering a quick sorry and thank you, I began running again to the direction of my class.

I could still feel his gaze burning holes on my back as I ran. Who was that? A student? But why was he in a suit? A guest maybe? So many questions entered my mind but I decided to ignore them as I had more pressing matters to attend to.


I bursted through the doors of our classroom and immediately jumped into my seat next to Mira, startling my friends who were on there phones.

"You made it!" Mira exclaimed "why didn't you reply?" She asked.

I was still panting, trying to get oxygen. " I didn't know how to text and run."

"Run? You ran all the way here?" She as incredulously. I nodded tiredly in response.

" Yeah, all the shuttles left and I couldn't wait 30 minutes or I would be late."

"So you ran like a mad woman?"Hailey laughed.

"God you look like shit." Alli commented laughing slightly. "Your hair is a mess and you're red all over."

I heard Mira and Hailey chuckle. I rolled my eyes at them.

"I know, I know a birds nest and a tomato, thats what happens when you run to school." I say while trying to fix my hair. Running wasn't the only reason Im red though, as icy blue eyes filled my mind.

"Still lucky though, professors still not here." Mira stated

"Maybe he's still not gonna show up." Hailey said excitedly.

Yeah our math professor wasn't here for the first week, so our three days per week classes were our free time last week. But a faculty member said he'd finally show up today.

"No! Cause then I would've ran here for nothing!" I whined. Looking at my small mirror, well I did my best.

As if on cue the front door opened, my jaw went slack, my mouth agape. I couldn't believe it.

Black shoes, black tailored suit, black tie, dark hair, and familiar icy blue eye stared back at me, somehow finding me in the sea of students while walking to his desk, a smirk immediately decorated his features. I swear I heard girls squeal and swoon at the sight. I don't blame them but you're not suppose to find your teacher ridiculously attractive Angel.

Alli must have seen my face cause then she asked " Whats up with you?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh, nothing." I said, trying to smile

Cause it truly was nothing, I don't know why I was anxious when I didn't do anything wrong, like I had some sort of secret.

She looked at me disbelievingly " Your giving me major anxiety vibes, its distracting."

Hailey clapped my back " She just probably thinks the professor is hot, which is true, thats one fine specimen right there." She hummed in appreciation. Mira nodded in agreement.

"Okay then." Alli said turning her attention back to the professor and so did I. Not that my attention was on anywhere but him.

"Good Morning everyone, Id like to apologize for my absence last week, I had personal matters to attend to" His voice echoed through out the room.

"But its been done and dealt with and we will continue with our class as scheduled."

I heard a girl boldly say "How about you deal with me too professor" which made the other students laugh.

"Well, I only deal with students who have been .."He trailed off his eyes finding mine and I froze, a small smirk graced his features and it disappered as fast as it appeared.

" So just sit down, listen and learn and we'll get along nicely" I heard girls and a few boys saying that they'll have to be bad this year.

"Now thats settled, Welcome to Algebra 101" His looked at the students before his gaze found mine again, there was glint in his eyes that I couldn't decipher but whatever it was, it was dangerous.

"Im Alexander Wilson"

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