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It all happened in a heartbeat. One minute Jurina was listening to rock music in her iPod the next she was saving a girl's life. Not just any girl either. It was no other than Akane Takayanagi, her secret crush. "WATCH OUT!" Jurina heard herself scream as she pushed the other girl out of the way from a speeding car.

Jurina heart stop as she found herself looking into Akane's frighten brown eyes. The owner of the car didn't even bother to stop and check if both girls were okay. He just kept going. "Hey, watch where you are going!" Jurina yelled as the car sped away. Akane was still in shock trying to process what just happened. She had almost been run over! Her heart was pounding in her chest as she registered the information. Then, she became aware of the girl on top of her that pushed her out of the way. Matsui Jurina. "Are you alright?" Jurina asked in a concerned tone and got of Akane.

Her eyes were so deep Akane found herself getting lost in them. Akane couldn't help, but wonder why would Jurina push her out of the way risking her own well-being. Sure, they were classmates, but they aren't close. That would be an understatement. The only reason Akane knew Jurina's name was because the other girl had a habit of getting in trouble at school.

"Y... Yeah!" Akane replied after regaining her composure. "You're shaking!" Jurina noted. Akane watched as Jurina got up and extended her hand to her. Akane took it shyly. Akane wasn't a shy person, but suddenly she found herself tongue-tied. "Thanks!" Akane mumbled. "There's a coffee shop over there. Want to come? You can get a coffee to calm you nerves." Jurina suggested.

Normally, Akane would have rejected the offer. Her hanging out with the school freak? That was unacceptable. She was after all the most popular girl at school, but... Something about Jurina's wide grin made her forget all about popularity. "That be nice," Akane admitted.

It must have been an awkward sight Akane and Jurina walking side by side. Akane was dressed in a white while Jurina was dressed a baggy cargo pants with a navy hoodie.

"So, how's your summer?" Jurina asked after the settled themselves in a booth in the coffee shop. Akane simply stared at her coffee unsure how to answer. It was all too weird for her. Even though they were from the same school Jurina was a complete stranger to her. "This is too strange," Akane blurted out.

Jurina laughed. A sweet musical laughed that warmed Akane's heart. Akane wondered why she felt that way. "Yeah, it is huh? Well, at least you are feeling better!" Jurina pointed out cheerfully.

Akane felt very unlike herself as she observed the other girl's movements. Akane felt weirdly attracted to the other girl. Jurina seemed to notice Akane silence and said, "Ah, maybe this is too weird. I guess I'll go now and let you drink your coffee in peace."

Jurina got up to leave and was about to walk away when Akane grasped her wrist. Jurina looked at her with surprised eyes. "Wait, don't go. I didn't mean to make bad or anything. Stay." Akane pleaded.

Jurina was speechless as the girl she secretly loved for months held her wrist. Jurina's colored pink as she looked at the other girl. Akane began to feel shy again and slowly let go of the other girl's hand. Jurina sat back down and broke the nerve wrecking silence, "So, where were you heading to?" "I was going home from ballet practice," Akane explained.

"Ballet?! I guess I should be so surprised. You do seem like that sort of girl." Jurina mused. Akane raised an eyebrow and suddenly was curious. What sort of image did Jurina had of her? "What would make you think that?" Akane inquired.

Jurina gave her a small grin and replied, "You're very girly. It seems like the type of thing a girly girl like you would do." Akane blushed a bit and responded, "Is that a bad thing?" Jurina caught the uncertainly of her words. She wasn't being defensive. She was really wondering if it's a bad thing. "No, it's very you." Jurina reassured her.

From that sudden meeting, a unlikely relationship was born. Jurina went over to Akane's a couple of times and love was born. Now, the two were dating in spite the fact that they were extrembly different. "Nee, Jurina what movie do you want to watch?" Akane asked as Jurina sat in her bed in a warm summer afternoon. Even though the two had been going out for a month, they only hanged out in each others houses. "Akane, why don't we go to the movies today?" Jurina suggested staring at the ceiling. Akane suddenly looked uncomfortable. "But, I want to stay here and cuddle with you." Akane cleverly hid the real reason she didn't want to go to the movies.

Akane was afraid. Afraid to be seen with Jurina. What would people think? Both of them were girls. What would her friends think? Everyone expected Akane to go out with a handsome peppy boy not a tomboyish girl that spend all her time skating and dressed like a punk. Jurina raised and eyebrow, but didn't insist anymore. The beginning of the school was approaching fast. Would the two last?

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