Chapter 5: From Best Friend to Enemy

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The autumn air was beginning to turn cruel as mid-fall approached. Colorful leaves were dancing in the air and falling towards the rowdy high school students. Rena and Jurina stood under the huge sakura tree in the corner of the school. It had become their unofficial meeting spot. The two girls stood there in awkward silence waiting for Airi to show up. Ever since the night at Karaoke, the two girls grew shy around each other. Something changed the night. It wasn't something you could easily see, but something had changed. Perhaps it wasn't necessary a bad thing though. "Airi is sure late..." Rena mumbled breaking the silence. That was all it took for Jurina to start blabbering, "I know! I don't understand why she doesn't walk to school with us! She's just lazy and wants to wake up late!" Rena giggled. It was unusual to hear the other cheery hyper girl complain.

Jurina noticed Rena's light giggled and pouted. "What so funny?!" Jurina demanded. "I am sorry! It's just it's rare to see you mad. It's sort of cute!" Rena admitted cheerfully. Jurina cheeks redden. "Cute?" Jurina asked quietly. Rena instantly realized what she said and began to blush furiously. "I.. I mean..." Rena stammered unable to come up with an excuse. Jurina giggled her musical laugh filling Rena's ears. Jurina grabbed a strand of Rena's hair. "I get it. It's just how I find your nervous stammering cute," Jurina whispered softly inching closer to Rena. Rena's heart beat increased as the other girl inched closer. "Ehh?" Rena blurted out nervous. Did the other girl just say she founded her cute? Did Rena hear correctly?

"Hey guys!" Airi called out heading towards them. Jurina let go of Rena's hair. The strand fell back limply. Rena sighed and bit her lip. What would of happened if her cousin haven't interrupted. "Did something happen between you guys?" Airi questioned. The vide between Airi's best friend and cousin had changed and she was dying to know the reason. Both girl exchanged a look and blushed lightly as they recalled what they had been doing before Airi got there. Suspicious indeed, Airi thought. "Airi, Rena agreed to be our singer!" Jurina announced happily putting her arm around Rena. Airi's eyes widen. "Are you serious? Oh my gosh! How the hell did you convince her?!" Airi demanded as if Jurina as announced the most bizarre thing in the world. Rena and Jurina blushed once more as the recalled the heart throbbing memory of the previous night.

Airi noticed their sudden blush and silence. Airi giggled softly. Things were getting interesting. "This is good though!" Airi declared breaking the silence. "Yeah! You know what? We should take her to tonight's practice since she is joining and all!" Jurina suggested excitedly. "Sure, but don't you get to full of yourself. Mayu and Yuki have to approve you first!" Airi teased. Rena gulped nervously. Jurina clasped Rena's hand and said, "Rena is going to blow them away! You'll see! Right, Rena?" Jurina squeezed Rena's hand softly. Rena smiled and nodded. Airi smirked evilly and gushed, "You guys would make like the cutest couple you know?" The two girls instantly turned tomato red and quickly let go of each other's hands.

"Airi!" Rena exclaimed in disbelief. Her cousin had some nerve. Jurina bit her lip nervously and looked at Rena. With her long raven hair and slender frame, Rena was beautiful. Not to mention those innocent round brown eyes and her angelic voice. Jurina's blush deepen. Since when did Jurina begin to think Rena was beautiful? Suddenly, there was a loud thump. The three girls turned bewildered only to find Akane standing in front of them her purse on the ground. "Akane..." the name escaped Jurina's shocked lips. Akane gave them an hostile glance and quickly snatched her purse from the ground. Akane stomped away angrily. The three girls watched her leave their mouths agape. " What the hell?" Airi managed to blurt out. Soon the bell for class rang and the three headed to class in silence shaken up by the bizarre encounter.

Meanwhile, Akane was fuming in the other side of the school grounds. The side where the more attractive people hanged out. There was hardly any privacy at all, but it was popular and Akane was popular. It was where she belonged. "Are you alright, babe?" Akane's boyfriend, Mizuki-kun asked when he noticed his girlfriend's angry face. Akane glared towards Rena's direction. Who did Rena think she was stealing away Jurina and backstabbing her? Was she out of her mind? "Rena is a backstabbing bitch!" Akane huffed. Mizuki-kun put his arm around his girlfriend's arm and simply replied, "That's the problem, Akane? Just put her in her place." Akane looked at her boyfriend. He looked like he was up to something.

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