Chapter 2: Things don't go as plan

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Rena sat on the school steps wondering what in the world did she get into. Rena wanted to help Jurina she really did especially since she gave Jurina her word, but the question was how? Rena watched as students headed home. Everyone was chatting and laughing. Rena was the only one sitting down being gloomy. Rena should take off too. Rena got up and began to walk home. Rena knew better than anyone how important popularity was to Akane. Rena gave off a cool pretty mysterious girl vide according to Akane, so no one gave Akane trouble when she befriended her. In fact it might of even added to her popularity status. Rena didn't want to sound conceited, but she knew too well how the school worked and had heard enough rumors about her to know. Jurina, on the other hand was a completely different story.

Jurina was everything peppy popular kids hated. A punk, a guitar player, a skater, and could care less about clothes or status. Rena thought Akane could use someone like that, but would Akane accept that fact? She at least went out with Jurina in the summer, but... Akane was Akane and popularity was a must for her. But, maybe just maybe Jurina could change that.

Jurina walked home along with her three best friends Yuki, Mayu, and Airi. Mayu and Yuki had their arms locked together and Jurina began to feel envious. Must be nice to be able to show affection to your girlfriend in public without worrying about who might see or what people think."We need a new singer for our band! Our vocals are okay, but come on! If we want to make it big we need someone with more talent!" Yuki told the four girls as they walk. Jurina looked up at the clouds. Jurina knew her friend was talking business, but her mind was somewhere else. In spite the fact Rena agreed to help her win Akane back she felt uneasy. Maybe Akane didn't want her back. Not only that, but was Rena trustworthly? After all she did hang around with all those peppy kids. What if Rena was trying to mess with her or Akana?

"Nee, Jurina are you playing attention?" Mayu demanded sounding slightly annoyed. Yuki sighed and chimed in, "Your mind is always somewhere else nowadays. You need to focus! Our big gig is coming up soon!" Their band, AKB, had managed to get a spot in a very famous battle of the bands contest. Whoever won got to record an album. It was truly the opportunity of a life time. Jurina suddenly felt guilty. They were right. It was no time to space out. Jurina needed to focus on the band.

"Give her a break you guys! She just spaced out. Haven't you ever done it?"Airi snapped defending her friend. Airi was the only one that knew what was going on between Akane and Jurina. Airi must of figured Jurina was worrying about Akane again. If her other friends knew they would freak. Jurina gave Airi a tiny graceful smile.

"I'll work on finding someone, okay?" Jurina promised so her friends would relax. Her friends smiled. Finally, Yuki and Mayu went their separate ways leaving Jurina alone with Airi. The sun was setting and it was beginning to get dark. "How are things with Akane? You look upset," Airi pointed out once they were gone. Jurina sighed and replied, "Bad, but I want to win her back! Beside, Rena, her friend, agreed to help me!" Airi smiled and replied, "You got my cousin to help you?" Jurina's eyes widen. "Your... Your cousin! Rena is your cousin!?" Jurina exclaimed in utter shock.

Airi laughed and asked, "You didn't know?" "No, I didn't!" Jurina replied in a surprised voice. Even though she knew Airi for so long Jurina never knew she had a cousin at their school. "We don't hang out as much as school anymore, but we are close." Airi told Jurina. "Why aren't you close at school anymore?" Jurina asked her voice oozing with curiosity. "Akane didn't like her hanging out with me much since I am a punk and all. It's the same reason she dumped you. Rena won't avoid me at school or anything, but it still isn't the same and I don't push it cause she adores Akane and Rena doesn't get close to people easily," Airi explained. Jurina recalled Rena's sad face when she found out Akane was hiding something from her. That explained it very well. Suddenly, the question that was troubling her slipped out, "Can I trust her?" "Well, of course! If Rena told you she would help you trust me she will, but still it's surprising!" Airi told Jurina. "What's surprising?" Jurina asked with a puzzled look in her face.

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