Chapter 4: The Shy Singer

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Akane laid in her king sized bed looking into the ceiling. She couldn't calm her nerves. Akane massaged her temples hoping to ease her stress, but no luck. Normally at times like those, Akane would call Rena. Akane had actually reached for her phone a few minutes ago and then remember she couldn't call Rena. Akane groaned in frustration. Why did Rena have to side with Jurina? Wasn't Rena supposed to be her best friend? Wasn't Rena supposed to be loyal to her? Of course that wasn't the big issue at all. What bothered Akane the most was why couldn't she do the right thing and take Jurina back. Akane wanted to take Jurina back. Akane loved Jurina, but Akane didn't want to lose it. Her popularity. Her security.

Akane had only transferred to Sakura Prep about two years ago. Before that in her old high school, Akane was the girl with braces, glasses and frizzy hair. Nobody liked her and everybody teased her. When Akane would sit in a table everyone would get up and leave. Girls mocked her and boys ignored her. When her parents announced they were moving, Akane took the opportunity to make herself into a new person in the summer. Akane got her braces removed and her teeth became a row of perfect pearly whites. Akane's hideous thick glasses were replaced by clear contacts and Akane's hair was helped by a thing called deep conditioner. It didn't happen overnight of course, but by the time Akane transferred she was a beauty queen. While being popular wasn't everything Akane had dreamed of it sure beat the alterative. It was better than being the outcast.

The reason why Akane befriended Rena was because Akane could relate to her situation. Plus, Akane knew that Rena didn't need any makeover she just needed a popular friend to quickly become popular herself. Unlike Akane, Rena was always beautiful. Rena had curves in all the right places, but was still slim. Rena's huge doe-like eyes and her long lashes were pretty and perfect smooth black hair that reached her lower back was to die for. Akane would never admit it, but she sort of envied Rena's natural effortless beauty from time to time. Akane had to work so hard to look pretty and Rena who could care less about her looks and clothes always look like a chic model in a fashion magazine.

Akane looked at the picture in her mirror of her and popular friends. Her smile looked faked and forced, but Akane looked beautiful. Stunning as a matter of fact. Somehow Akane felt that if she gave up her popularity she would go back to being that ugly isolated girl with the huge glasses and braces again. Akane could never let that happen. Besides her new boyfriend was cute and handsome and NOT a girl. Akane shouldn't be dating girls anyways right? It was wrong either ways right? And if Rena didn't want to be her friend she had plenty of friends anyways right? Akane told herself this over and over, but Akane couldn't help thinking If I have so many friends why can't I call them to ask them for advice right now?

Meanwhile, Rena was pacing around her room with a melon pan in one hand and her cellphone on the other. "Rena, calm down!" Airi insisted trying to calm her cousin down. Rena was a complete utter mess. Rena's room was a complete utter mess. Her usually neat organized room was a disaster well at least for a neat freak like Rena. Her new manga was tossed on top of her drawer instead of being organized in alphabetical order in her bookshelf. Rena didn't even bother to pick up her clothes after she changed to her p.js to put them in the laundry basket. To top it off, Rena was eating a melon pan in her room breaking her No food in my room rule she had made for herself. Rena was too stressed out to worry about a few crumbles in her bed. "How can I not freak out? What am I supposed to do? I bet she hates me for snapping at her! Then I acted all self righteous and all!" Rena continued ranting as she walked back and forth in her room. Airi sighed in the other end of the line. Rena was always like that when things went wrong. Rena was too organized too practical. Whenever things got out of order or didn't go as planned Rena freaked out. Big time. "Rena, just calm down and breathe. Breathing is important. I guarantee you , Jurina is not angry at you and even if she was she is not the type to stay angry for long," Airi reassured Rena. "Okay, Okay..." Rena repeated as if trying to soothe herself. Airi resisted the urge to laugh. It was much too funny to see Rena in that crazy worried state even though she knew it was the other girl was having a hard time.

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