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[ irl ]

matt's listened to bin's songs. every single one. he knows all the words, all the pauses, every beat, each note she hits. he also knows that almost all of her songs are about him, but it's still crazy to watch her sing them in person. not because he's used to hearing it through his headphones, but because she keeps looking at him.

at least five times per song, bin makes eye contact with matt.

while scanning her eyes across the audience, she pauses when she sees matt. he tries his hardest to hold the contact, but it doesn't work. he always ends up breaking it.

matt's favorite song by bin is the first one she ever released. this is because it's about a personal memory he shares with her. so whenever he listens to it, he's reminded of the fact that he's the one who knows what she's talking about. he's the only one.

the lyrics are about how they first met when they were kids.

bin was riding her bike through the neighborhood she just recently moved to. but because of how dark it was, she didn't see the boy in front of her. matt. he was also riding his bike. he saw her and tried to swerve out of the way, but it didn't work. their bikes clashed with a loud sound of impact.

matt stumbled off his bike and caught himself for the most part. but bin did not catch herself. she fell onto the sidewalk and skinned up her knees, palms, and her left elbow. he helped her stand up and quickly noticed that she was crying – which would explain why she couldn't see as well as matt could.

"hey," he had said, "it's okay. it's dark and you couldn't see. you don't need to cry about it, i promise i'm not mad at you."

despite his reassurance, she continued to cry. at this point, matt had no idea what to do. so he pulled their bikes off the sidewalk. then he sat down in the grass and patted the ground beside him, signaling for her to sit beside him. reluctantly, she agreed. over time, bin warmed up to matt and they ended up talking for the next few hours about whatever random topics came to mind.

or at least, that's how bin explained it in her song.

for the most part, that's pretty accurate. the only thing that's wrong are the small things that she left out. and those things weren't added because they're personal and private between the two of them – not for the whole world to know.

when the concert ended, nick rushed away to find bin amongst the chaos. chris and tia followed nick, knowing that they would also like to see bin before they leave.

but matt really had to piss.

so he told them that he's going to take a detour to the bathroom and he'll meet back up with them later. chris said matt was just avoiding bin – which wasn't true (for once). he honestly just stole everyone's drinks and now it's starting to catch up with his bladder.

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now