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[ irl ]

a/n : this chapter is completely a flashback (which is why it's in italics)

bin was nervous for her first day of middle school. all her life, the students at her elementary school were the same. she knew them and they knew her. even though she didn't have many friends, at least the people around her were consistent.

but matt had been begging her for years to switch to his school. on the last day of fifth grade, she worked up the confidence to ask her parents if she could transfer. they agreed, brushing off the subject easily.

"there's no reason to be afraid, binny." matt comforted her, grabbing her hand and holding it firmly. "we have the same class, so you'll be with me all day!"

bin smiled at him, "that's true."

she squeezed his hand tightly as they walked into the school building together.

the halls were filled with children she didn't recognize. the kids she grew up with and became familiar with were no longer those who sat beside her in their desks.

her breath came out shaky and her body felt tense. she squeezed matt's hand harder, hoping to ground herself so she doesn't start crying.

"binny?" matt asked, immediately noticing the change in her demeanor. "are you okay?"

"mhm." she lied, nodding her head just the slightest bit.

matt knew she wasn't telling the truth. he could see right through her lies. but he didn't want to draw attention to it. so instead he changed the topic to distract her from the stressful situation.

"hey, did you know that nick and chris both have different classes?" matt asked her. "apparently they both are taking the same class but have different teachers."

bin focused on his words rather than her own thoughts.

she hated major changes in her life. it made her feel uncomfortable and like she had no control over her own life.

everyone at her elementary school was going to attend the same middle school — which was across the street from their elementary school. but bin really wanted to be with matt. so she agreed to transfer despite her fear of change.

"will you sit beside me?" bin asked matt as they entered their new classroom.

"i'll ask the teacher if i can." matt said. "she used to be my second grade teacher, so she might remember me and be extra nice."

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now