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[ irl , social media ]

a/n : the irl section is a flashback (which is why it's in italics)

bin's parents argued a lot. as a child, she memorized which topics to avoid in order to prevent a fight between them.

thankfully, they never got physical or anything. but for as long as bin could remember, there's never been a moment where her parents interacted without screaming at each other by the end of their conversation.

her father worked a lot. he left at 5am and returned at 10pm. she loved her dad, but he rarely got time off of his job. he tried his hardest to make time for his daughter, but it simply wasn't possible with the hours given.

her mother worked from home. she clocked in at 7am and clocked out at 4pm. she made calls for the company she worked for, talking with people about whatever it was she did. bin loved her mom, but she was always busy – cleaning, cooking, buying groceries, working, etc.

the arguments between her parents mostly bloomed from their mutual stress.

her mom was angry that her husband wasn't present in their daughter's life. sure, he works a lot, but he should be able to make time for the child he promised they would raise together. but he would argue that it's not his fault. if he could, he'd spend all night and day with his kid. but he can't.

her dad was angry that his wife didn't do more around the house. she sits at home all day and yet the laundry is never clean, the dishes always have fruit flies, and the floors are filthy. but she would argue that all she does is clean. if she had more help, the house might not be so disgusting.

bin would hear them argue all night, every night since this was the only time her father was at home. she could never get any sleep because their voices were so loud when they yelled at each other.

so, when bin was four, she started to sneak out of her window every night. she'd grab her little pink bike from the back yard and ride around the neighborhood until she felt more relaxed. then, after about an hour of riding around, her legs would get tired from pedaling. so she'd sneak back through her window without her parents ever noticing that she left.

"if i knew you were going to be absent in robin's life, i wouldn't have had a kid with you!" her mother shouted.

"well if i knew you'd be a lazy bitch, i wouldn't have married you!" her father screamed back.

𝑾𝑰𝑺𝑻𝑭𝑼𝑳 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 { ✓ }Where stories live. Discover now